[quote=@Shorticus] This is what I have thus far. [url=https://www.youtuberepeater.com/watch?v=Wu-zLip6tkI&name=Endless+Space+OST+08+Flawless+Theory]Also, have some mood music.[/url] EDIT: And yes, I plan on these guys being super pseudo-pacifists. I'm tentative to give them any weapons to start with at all. [hider=The Namilee Council of New Hope] [b]Nation Name:[/b] The Namilee Council of New Hope [i](Also known as the Namilee Refugee Fleet and the Namilee Refugees)[/i] [b]Population and Demographics:[/b] The Namilee Refugee Fleet consists of roughly a hundred ships, the largest of which - the Mothership named [i]New Hope[/i] - carries twenty-five hundred passengers. Most of the other ships carry between twenty and a hundred and twenty five passengers each, though there are three vessels which carries five hundred passengers each. These are the [i]Forgiveness, Mercy,[/i] and [i]Sojourn.[/i] Each of these three vessels was built in the wake of the X'Cor conquest of the Namilee people. The [i]New Hope[/i] can carry all the other vessels in the fleet, which it does whenever the time comes to warp. The last count of the Namilee population was roughly 10,000 people residing on the fleet. Namilee: 100% [b]Species:[/b] The Namilee are one of the most fragile of the space-faring humanoid species. At a glance, they are smaller than most of the others, standing between three and five feet in height when adult. They are also rather thin, and their digits are long and webbed. They would fit naturally in an ocean setting with their black eyes, the long jellyfish-like tendrils protruding from their heads which spark with electricity, their oily and partly translucent skin... They are strangely pretty beings in their own way, at least for humanoids, but they seem rather defenseless. They aren't muscular. They aren't even fast. They're simply small humanoids with strange "hair." But most do not see that body. They see the Namilee suits, specially designed to allow them to survive in environments which are otherwise hostile to their genetically fragile bodies. These suits are highly advanced, protecting them from a wide variety of environmental hazards (burns, suffocation, accidental injuries, etc). However, these suits are not designed to stand up against weapons of war. War, in fact, is a relatively new concept to the Namilee, and none of the equipment they wear was ever meant to be used in war. The Namilee are also inherently prone to injury - another reason they wear their suits. Their bodies and bone structure are softer than others, and their physiology makes them rather more "picky" about their environment. Their range of comfortable temperatures is smaller than other species, and their nervous systems are particularly sensitive to sensations of pain. If not for their lauded suits, the Namilee would certainly have never have made it as far as they have into space. And yet the Namilee have a certain grace to them despite all these. Their movements are fluid and airy out of the water, but in the water they seem to possess a preternatural slickness of movement. They are very flexible, too, and anyone watching Namilee dance in their favored aquatic environment is surely to be rewarded with a stunning sight. But perhaps the most curious quality of the Namilee is the stark difference in their brains to those of other species. They are superbly intelligent, to be true, but it's more than that: they do not feel aggression, and they do not feel the same urges others do to increase their status in society. They develop technology out of curiosity, or out of a desire to better all their people, but they do not quarrel over resources or struggle to prove themselves to be the "best" at anything. The Namilee simply exist. They are calculating, yes, and highly intelligent, but they are also gentle. They are peaceful. They are innocent. And that is why the Namilee are on the verge of extinction. Despite their impressive lifespans (a natural 500 years) and their technological advances which have extended those lifespans (to up to a 1,000 years), the Namilee are simply not warriors. They cannot easily breed to make up for the loss of their families, either: they are a species that favors platonic love, with births being incredibly rare and joyous occasions, but also incredibly painful trials. Frail Namilee bodies mean that birth is a dangerous thing, and while modern technologies have allowed the Namilee to almost eliminate the risk of fatalities with birth, their bodies cannot be administered too many pain-reducing drugs or else they risk death. Between their low birth rate and their inability to protect themselves against the X'cor fleet chasing them, it is very possible that the Namilee will be destroyed by their pursuers. Without assistance from other species, they will almost certainly disappear forever. [b]System of Government:[/b] Spend at least 4 paragraphs explaining what form of government you use and how it works. You may include any details you feel needed. Be creative! [b]History:[/b] The Namilee gave themselves their name after naming their planet, Namil. The planet they named together as a species after a long and protracted discussion on the matter approximately two thousand years ago. A world which once bore thirty-seven names in fifty-two languages was condensed into a single name. "Namil," at its core, means peace. It means tranquility. It means love. Perhaps that is why the Namilee were so slow to take to the stars despite their advanced technology. It helped that the Namilee did not overpopulate their planet, and that they were able to nurture and care for the planet and develop means of sustaining more of their people on their largely ocean-covered homeworld without upsetting the ecological balance. There were no wars, though there were natural disasters and biological catastrophes which had to be dealt with. It was an idyllic existence that generations of Namilee had enjoyed. When they first traveled into space and colonized nearby planets for the sake of discovery, the Namilee were left relatively well alone. Oh, they made some contact with nearby alien species, and they treated them kindly, even uplifting a neighboring species to space faring state. Those efforts resulted in that species being saved from the brink of extinction, and through careful education the Namilee managed to produce in them a peaceful culture, albeit not quite so peaceful as the Namilee's. So, with a small realm of five colonies and their home planet linked together with a slowly but steadily growing population, the Namilee knew peace Then the X'cor came. The concept of "war" had never been known to the Namilee before the X'cor came, but the entire X'cor society was built around war. In truth, the X'cor were vastly inferior technologically. Their ships were less advanced, their weapons made of infinitely cruder materials than anything the Namilee made. But that was just it: the Namilee [i]had[/i] no weapons. They did not understand what was happening. Their ships were destroyed first. The Namilee tried to send transmissions begging for the X'cor to stop, but to no avail. As the X'cor were not aquatic, they then proceeded to bomb the Namilee worlds, evaporating lakes and seas, stripping bare their lands, destroying the fertile ecosystems which the Namilee had so carefully cultivated. They then descended upon the planet, marching into the submerged cities of the Namilee. To this day, the X'cor laugh about the event: countless little aliens in suits, staring on confusedly, some of them not even trying to run away as weapons fire rained down upon them in the streets. They put up no resistance. They disgusted their enemies with their unwillingness to fight back, and so a great many of them were simply killed for being useless. A great many more were enslaved, but they proved to be pathetic at manual labor, and so many of them were slain as well. Namil was the last planet to succumb to this invasion. In a final, desperate act, the Namilee Council, using advanced replication and construction techniques, quickly constructed a shield with which to protect their homeworld. They then constructed a massive mothership named [i]Hope[/i] and sent hundreds of thousands of colonists aboard, the vast majority of their remaining populace. They sent [i]Hope[/i] into space. [i]Hope[/i] was destroyed by X'cor attack vessels before it could even enter warp. The lives of three hundred and fifty thousand Namilee were snuffed out in an instant. The X'cor would never let their prey escape. What was worse, the shield they had constructed was giving way. There was not enough energy to maintain it forever. Construction began on a second vessel, but it was rushed. It would not be able to house even a majority of the remaining Namilee population. There were a hundred thousand Namilee remaining, but only ten thousand could go aboard the [i]New Hope[/i] and the vessels it carried. What was more, the Namilee now knew they could not escape their own home system without somehow dealing with the X'cor fleet. And so, for the first time since the onset of the unmitigated massacre of their people, the Namilee devised a plan that involved destroying the X'cor fleet. They blew up their own planet, sending a densely packed series of compounds straight into their own planet's core. Namil burst into a thousand bits, shredding apart the X'cor fleet, but the [i]New Hope[/i] managed to survive. It escaped. The Namilee population in the galaxy dropped from twenty billion to a mere ten thousand over the course of the X'cor conquest. And despite all these terrible things, despite the horrors that have been wrought upon them, the Namilee blame [i]themselves.[/i] These ten thousand refugees fly through space in exile, searching for a safe place they may call home, praying they can somehow redeem themselves by helping other civilizations find peace. The Namilee hope they might even help the X'cor find peace. They do not think they will succeed. They fly on anyway. [b]Culture:[/b] This is super-important. At least 6 paragraphs on culture. This includes religion and the such. [b]Important people, places, and organizations:[/b] This is self-explanatory. [b]Military size:[/b] For the typical species, a military cannot be larger than 7% of the total population. But if you have some special reason that it should be higher, I'll most likely allow it. [b]Military details:[/b] Describe the strength, organization, command-structure, and any other necessary details of your military. 3 paragraphs minimum. [b]Weapons tech:[/b] Go nuts! [b]General Technology:[/b] Really go nuts! For at least 3 paragraphs! [b]Economy:[/b] Are your people poor and starving? Rich and fat? Are you economically powerful enough to control other nations through wealth? Can you be controlled through wealth? [b]Spaceships:[/b] Please describe, in as much detail as possible, the sort of space vessel you use and how they operate. Don't forget to include the general size of these vessels, how many people they can carry, and what sort of weapons they use. This should be at least 4 paragraphs long. [/hider] [hider=Explorer Sheet Template] [b]Name[/b]: [b]Species[/b]: If you have not previously explained your species in the N.S., you should do so here in at least 4 paragraphs. [b]Gender[/b]: Assuming your species has gender, anyway. [b]Appearance[/b]: Descriptions are greatly preferred over pictures. [b]History[/b]: At least 4 paragraphs on the background of your character, how they came to be in their current position, and so forth. [b]Weapons[/b]: At least 2 paragraphs should be spent explaining, in detail, the sort of weaponry they carry [b]Personality:[/b] At least 4 paragraphs detailing the type of person your Explorer is. [b]Skills:[/b] [b]Starship:[/b] I hope I'm not assuming too much when I figure your explorer will need a spaceship to get around. Describe it, or face the ban-hammer :lol [b]Strengths and Weaknesses:[/b] [/hider] [/quote] WHAT IS THIS FEELIN WITHIN MY CHEST?! WHY DO I FEEL LIKE A MONSTER! That's because I am! BUT THIS FEELING!