[center][img]http://x.annihil.us/u/prod/marvel/i/mg/a/e0/5462817451765.jpg[/img] [hr] [h2][b][color=ed1c24]S A M W I L S O N[/color][/b][/h2] [h3][b]C A P T A I N [color=0054a6]A M E R I C A[/color][/b][/h3] [i]in[/i] [b]Lost Legends[/b] [sub]Room for two Avengers to join in.[/sub][/center] [hr] Sam twisted in the air with his wings retracted as he swooped low, leveling out he extended his wings again. He felt his body try to continue going down towards the ground as he leveled off, pulling his head up he landed into a run and kick slamming his foot into the body of the A.I.M agent. So far this was the third lab he had hit with various members of the Avengers. A name that due to Miss America had stuck, apparently it was the popular choice throughout the multiverse. Other than that little tidbit though she had been reluctant to share details on these other Earths and what happened on them, the idea still struck him as somewhat absurd but apparently there was science that supported it so he had no alternative but to accept it. Not that he had enjoyed finding out about the science behind it, he still couldn't stomach Stark. He tapped his earpiece "Red Wing counts five hostiles on the bottom floor, I've made my entry on the second. After that we're getting no readings due to some form of interference." The little flying companion made by Stark, he had to admit, was pretty useful. Able to see through it's camera on his goggles and the fact it was armed gave him an extra edge on the battlefield. "The level of security in this place-" He raised his wing to block a couple of shots from a guard who ran out of cover at him. Running forward he then pulled his gun out of his right hip holster and shot over the wing, several shots and his opponent stopped shooting, falling dead. "-makes me think they're hiding something important. My moneys on an enhanced, it's about time we ran into one of them. Especially with the amount they've been throwing at Hawkeye." He turned around, releasing another couple of shots from his pistol into another guard he walked up to a computer terminal. Taking a quick scan of the room he lowered his wing and pulled out a pendrive, sticking it into the computer the S.H.I.E.L.D sign instantly appeared. If Starks program worked the way it was supposed to all the secure files this terminal had access too would be getting sent back to the helicarrier to be analyzed. "Drive is in place, just waiting for the upload." He hated this part, while he was assured that the program was incredibly fast he had been told by Stark (and other genius') that there was the limitation of [i]physical[/i] media. That being so within a couple of minutes it was done and he yanked the drive out and placed it back in his pocket. "Upload complete, moving to the rendezvous at the first floor elevator. Let's see what A.I.M has to hide."