[h2]Izisviel von Einzbern[/h2] Her first thought about the summoned Saber was that she was somewhat... disappointing. Of all the things that the Einzbern homunculus had been expecting, a woman shorter than she was for [i]Saber[/i] had been somewhat unexpected. The Servant's armament was reassuring: armour beyond the normal quality of a samurai and blades to match. Combined with the necessity for a Heroic Spirit to be someone of amazing renown and Saber being the strongest class, appearances were deceiving. "I am, Saber, and the three behind me are our assistants in this war," Izisviel stated, gesturing to the only thing in the otherwise empty basement that could possibly be referred to in such terms. A few short instructions were issued--even if Servants didn't need to eat or sleep, there were certain levels of propriety that had firmly engraved themselves in her mind over the pass years of idleness. Preparing a (probably useless) room would keep Cinquefoil out of trouble, whilst Lotus could make them some tea, and perhaps some food. The Einzbern headed towards the stairs, grasping her implements, "Given how previous wars have turned out for my family, I believe that we should discuss our tactics before fighting, this time." [hr] [h2]Servant Archer[/h2] Archer found being summoned into a forest remarkably appropriate, and took in the glade and the still night air without paying heed to their Master, for a moment. So much was similar, in its way... yet it was obviously different from the one that drew out her memories. At least they had been summoned into a rural area rather than some urban sprawl... that would have been a vast nuisance. The androgynous redhead turned their attention to their Master in the end, tipping the green hat and meeting their Master's blue eyes with green and a cheerful grin, "I suppose I'm lucky to have such a beautiful Master, if that is indeed what you are? I am your Servant, Archer, and my skills of all kinds are at your disposal."