This was unlike any other hunt for cultists Mikkish had ever been on. Most hid in caves, or old, abandon, dilapidated, and sometimes irradiated towns. A few times, Mikkish had to search the roach infested sewers of coastal cities to find the damn worshipers of Dead Gods. But now here he stood, in front of a mansion, and not even one that seemed abandon. There were lights coming from the inside, and a working fountain. It clearly had running water and electricity, despite that it was far from any roads and likely away from the grid. Mikkish pressed shoved his dirty hands to the double door entrance and pushed open, expecting a creak, but it opened as if if had just been constructed. The light from the ornate lamps inside illuminated him and the ground around him as the doors were pushed to the sides, revealing...a butler, just standing there at the entrance, and maids in the background, dusting. Everything was so clean, and undamaged. Mikkish cleared his throat to speak to the butler who stood in the doorway, staring right at him, as if they were expecting guests including Mikkish. The butler, however, beat Mikkish to the punch. "Welcome, sir. We have been expecting you, Mr Callahan, as well as Mr Sterling, who should be arriving any moment." Mikkish stood paused for a moment. Okay, so the cultists now knew his name. Not surprising, really, considering what he did to most of them could be judged as...excessive. He had never heard of Sterling, though. Was he some Maniacles agent? Mikkish looked around the room, though, and was honestly extremely confused. If this was a cult meeting, they were certainly prepared for guests. "Looks like your maids will have to do some overtime." Mikkish said, raising his fists; his weapon of choice paired with his magic "Unless you need a new coat of red paint, asshole." Blood was indeed about to spill. Cultists had fooled Mikkish before, but not again. Even if Mikkish was being a little unreasonable, and rushing in to fight a cult that wasn't actually there.