[h2]Fio Mal-Rai[/h2] "Ah? Lancer, you don't need to worry about that," Fio said. Her Lancer was sounding so cautious! Weren't they supposed to be, well, fast and aggressive? That's what she heard about the class at least. Sure, planning was important, but why did he think he needed to tell her? Oh well, it was time to clarify that she totally had everything under control. That was about right. The girl folded her arms, her confident grin holding fast. "It's not like I haven't been planning or anything," the girl in a suit continued, placing her hands on her hips as she did. "My familiars are already scouting the city for any unusual activity. When someone makes a move, we'll be sure to catch them. And after all, you're Lancer, so you have an advantage of range and speed in melee, don't you?" Fio's grin was utterly unshakable. "I was planning on talking over our tactics with you and stuff, anyway. Gotta plan for how you fight and all, right? But when it comes to Masters, I bet I can handle them."