[@Gimple] That's a pretty awesome map. What software did you use? I am being a total hypocrite and not reading all of our post because it is close to bedtime, but from what I saw, I really like the set up you did. I was just complaining to my boyfriend today about how I can never find a good group to tabletop with. In my usual one, we have that one person who takes over and doesn't listen to anything anyone says and makes it kind of miserable for everyone. Sidenote - I saw someone today who is new that may be right up your alley once he/she gets more comfortable roleplaying ... let's see if I can find the name ... *wanders off* ... *comes back from the greeting forum covered in cobwebs* TurntechGallows, that's their name. They might bite from what I saw they posted as greeting. I'll push them in your direction. :D PSS: I hate that post count ridiculousness too. I had a four+ year text-based roleplay running with two of my friends before I discovered this place existed!