[@Gate Keeper][@Narcotic Dollie] Uriel almost thought that the man beside him wasn't actually talking to him. He leaned back and chuckled when the man mentioned that most of the people here don't even know the reason about the war. [color=A9A9A9]"That is the truth. The war has been going on for ages, only the oldest angels and demons know about it. I, myself, have only been told about it by my mother."[/color] He said. He looked at the man who spoke to him. He must not be a Child of Darkness considering that he hasn't seen him before but maybe he was from another unit. Ah whatever, it didn't matter here after all. [color=A9A9A9]"It doesn't. Some just fight to protect those they love. Not for land anymore."[/color] Ah yes, the main reason why they were fighting was just because of the land and some child of Light died in the crossfire. Ever since then, the two sides have been fighting each other. How foolish, this could've all been prevented should they have just talked it out peacefully. [color=A9A9A9]"I am Uriel, by the way. And you?"[/color] He asked the man. He may not be all that sociable but he still knew what to do at times like those. When the man looked at a certain direction for a long period of time, the general got curious and followed his gaze and saw Naya. Did this man know her? Oh, Naya was walking to their direction. Right, she must've been able to remember his face in that rare time where he took of his helmet. He did that twice. Once for her and the other as respect to when he was with the Child of Fae when they were leading her to Linore. Oh speaking of the fairie, did she come? She wasn't very friendly to the Children of Darkness so he highly doubted that she would come. He'll be sure to keep note to look for her later should she be here. It would be interesting to continue talking to her. Yesterday did not go so well for them. [color=A9A9A9]"Greetings Naya. So we see each other for three days straight hm?"[/color] He pointed out with a light chuckle. But seeing someone familiar did ease his discomfort. He then grunted in response to her tease. [color=A9A9A9]"I'd rather go to the training grounds than here to be honest."[/color] He muttered as he leaned back once more, now folding his arms across his chest. When Naya turned her attention to the other male, Uriel began looking at the crowd once more. He could see that his most trusted subordinates were still huddled up together, eyeing the Children of Light with distrust but still talked to them. The air was tense in that group but they didn't show signs of hostility. Considering that they were old and had seen more than enough bloodshed in their lives, it was understandable that they were like this. He saw a familiar face. That fairie who he had let go and in turn let him go at the siege of their kingdom. He started to dig deep through his memories to remember her name. She was a commander. Commander Rida. Yeah, that was it. Aurora might've mentioned it the first time they met. His attention was once again caught by some commotion at the buffet. It was a werewolf in her half-human form enjoying the food there. She wasn't familiar to him, perhaps it was a citizen who decided to come and enjoy the ball. Unlike them, the ones with high ranks in the government or military, the citizens had an option of not going if he remembered correctly. Seeing that someone that isn't obliged to go went to this party really is something. His eyes caught the two royals, the younger ones. Octavia seemed close to the young prince. When did this all happen? From what he recollected, they just met each other two days ago in a hostage situation no less. Well it doesn't seem like Asher was very... er, comfortable with her. Ha, this was amusing to see. Asher was usually calm and collected, seeing him like this did bring a smile to the general's face. He took a wine glass from a passing waiter and then began to sip from it. Maybe coming to this ball wasn't such a bad idea after all. He'll get to see different sides of those he thought he knew and know those he didn't.