[center] [h3] [color=Firebrick]Sawyer[/color], [color=Peru]Benjamin[/color], and [color=Cyan]Danielle[/color] Crowe - Tommy's [/h3] [/center] [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/vtpdcQi.jpg[/img] [/center] [center] *** [/center] Sawyer Crowe looked away from the television mounted on the wall of his establishment, "Tommy's." He stood behind the bar, a solemn expression on his face and question in his mind - How the hell had this happened? In a town as small Dixie Inn, where nearly everyone knew everyone by name, it was hard to imagine such a horrific crime happen. What made it worse was that now some city-slicker news crew was going to be snooping around the city to get the latest "scoop" on the first murder in Dixie Inn for decades. He ran a hand across his neatly trimmed beard and sighed, setting his palm back down on the counter. [color=FireBrick]"I think I might go down to see Nicky later on, Danny."[/color] Sawyer stated, the slightest southern drawl peeking through his deep voice. He looked over at Danielle, his sister of four years younger. [color=Cyan]"It's so horrible."[/color] Danielle said with a deep frown. [color=Cyan]"Who would do that to Liv"[/color]She said, folding her arms across her chest. Sawyer picked at the rolled-up sleeve of his navy blue button-down shirt as his ears recognized the sound of a motorcycle roaring. He peered out of the window to see a black and white Ducati Scrambler pull to curb. Off of the bike came Ben Crowe, the youngest of the three siblings. Ben stepped onto the sidewalk and removed his helmet. He pushed his long bangs back, scratching the buzzed sides of his pompadour haircut. Setting his helmet against the back of seat, he pocketed his keys and walked towards the door, which bore a sign that said "Hiring! See Inside for Details." As Ben stepped inside the air-conditioned restaurant, he blew a puff of air from his cheeks. He walked to the bar and sat down in front of his siblings. [color=FireBrick]"News just did a report about Olivia."[/color] Sawyer stated. Ben gave a disapproving shake of his head. [color=Peru]"They need to keep their hands out of this. A state-wide broadcast ain't gonna do much for Nicky."[/color] He said, very critically. It was known through-out the town that Benjamin Crowe was a very opinionated person, especially when it came to his hometown. [color=FireBrick]"Well, there's not much we can do about it, now."[/color] Sawyer remarked, sitting back against the liquor cabinet behind him. [color=Peru]"They should figure better than to piss off a town with at least one gun in every house."[/color] Ben said, truthfully. The Sawyer siblings were no exception to this truth; in fact, they were an example of it. Their house had multiple rifles, three shotguns, and two pistols. [color=Peru]"Anyway, Danny, I need your keys, cause I left mine at home. I gotta stop by the house before I go help out at the shop."[/color] [color=Cyan]"Smooth job, Nashville."[/color] Danny replied, using her nickname for her younger brother, which he'd gained because of the two years he'd spent in Tennessee. She dug her keys from the pocket of her jean shorts and handed them to Ben. [color=Peru]"Thanks."[/color] Ben said, turning towards the exit. [color=Peru]"See y'all later."[/color] With that, he walked out, climbed onto his motorcycle, and rode away.