[h1][center][color=gray]Moros Vorsickle[/color][/center][/h1] [center][img]http://cutmypic.com/uploads/title836536591.png[/img][/center] Moros let out a short breath of relief as the behemoth fell under the combined assault of all the Song Knights in the area. Lefay returned in her usual form and pouted again, [i]Aw I didn't even get to do anything[/i]. Moros was more focused on the small girl that everyone else seemed to be staring at. To his surprise she seemed to be inflaming the crowd against the song knights. Even worse it seemed to be working. Maybe he should've kept the baby near by so he could show off that he saved it, but it was back with its mother now so there was no point in thinking about that now. Moros couldn't do much to help the situation, his skills of persuasion were somewhat lacking, especially when pitted against a near rioting crowd. He was tempted to just leave but he was aware that would only make thing worse. So Moros just stand there, waiting expectantly for another Song Knight more skilled in this situation to take over. As soon as they started talking the crowd would look at the speaker and he would do the same. If worst came to worst he wasn't particular worried about a riot, Lefay could protect him more than well enough against fists and crude implements. So for now he merely stood there silently, waiting for either someone to speak in their defense or the crowd to reach its boiling point.