[@Iatos] [@Ninian] [@Light Lord] [@Draconequis] Over the past week or so, you four are the last ones still in this RP officially. At this point, I really feel like this is past the point of no return. Too many character interactions/meetings have been done, and this late into the RP trying to get new characters to fill in the blanks would be very hard to do. I'm thinking about shutting it down, and maybe trying to reboot it in the future. I wanna know what you guys think, that will either cement my decision of persuade me to keep this going. So, what do you all think? And, to be honest, I've been doing a lot of thinking about it, and I wanna do some restructuring on the story, region, and pretty much do a complete overhaul on this. I wanna finish character designs, get a one hundred percent solid plot, and be able to keep a steady group of roleplayers to keep this going on the right track. Once more, let me know what you think. Thanks.