[quote=@Queen Raidne] [hider=Here, have more world-building:]The view from the C.C.E. chamber extended downhill to the outlying sectors of Janusty, the jewel city of Ingress, itself the jewel of the coalition. Janusty had long since amalgamated into one massive building, divided up into sectors for convenience. Maglevs arced from one sector to another atop spindly bridges. Tufts of giant cranes sprouted from Sector CTN, one of the currently-designated sectors up for annual maintenance. One long conference table dominated the center of the room. A holoprojector cluttered up the far end, breaking the chamber's neat lines. C.C.E. members sat with serious scowls on their faces. "It's decided, then," said Solit, the current committee chair. "Bring him in." Adjustment Chief Xan Bay entered the chamber and stood stiffly at the foot of the table. His uniform bulged subtly in strange places, errant wrinkles ruining the theoretically crisp effect. One of the junior members stood up and handed Xan a small slip of paper. Xan read it, internally grimacing. They wanted him to go back to Random and force them to comply with the new basic technology edict. The citizenry on Random abhorred technology on principle. Externally, however, he dutifully nodded and placed the scrap into the laser-shredder. The junior member thumbed Xan's wrist computer, proving that Xan had been on authorized committee business. Xan left the sector 001 Committee offices, thumbing himself out at the security desk. He pulled up his wrist computer and joined the virtual queue for the train to DPT sector. People waiting around the station were peacefully involved in their own affairs; one was even reading an actual, physical newspaper. A janibot silently mopped a corner of the already-sparkling platform floor. Xan queud up some music from his wrist computer and put in his wireless headphones. A technology edict on Random. Storming Mrav, this assignment wouldn't be easy.[/hider] [/quote] DAMNIT, WHY ARE YOU A BETTER WRITER THAN ME? x'D I'm very glad to have you aboard.