[quote=@Shorticus] >steal the eggplant [/quote] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/IpxpZj0.png[/img] SUCCESS. You have added the EGGPLANT to your INVENTORY. There is truly no happier a lad than you.[/center] [quote=@BrobyDDark] >Tell Mike "нам нужно найти толстый и съесть его за опыт" [/quote] [quote=@Intrepid] >Confidently tell MIKE we need to find FATTY. After all, we can't finish all these pockets ourselves. [/quote] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/oLurzM2.png[/img] You and MIKE leave your cabin in search of your companion. Moments after leaving your room, you find yourself in a HALLWAY with two SPACEREFUGEES. They look confused, or perhaps frightened. Aside from them, there is also a SPACEWINDOW and a PLEASANT MOISTNESS to the air. What do you do?[/center]