Alright, Lets lay out a few expectations. 1: This RP will have fighting, both mock battles staged like duels between recruits, and missions where You Can be Hurt or killed. Be a good sport about it! 2: Everyone's starting out at an "Equal" position, no one who's joining is higher than the rank of Recruit. No matter your social class, you will be a Recruit. No matter if you are a Noble or a ex-Slave. 3: Be sure to have a decent backstory to your char! To have been recruited the Knight had to have visited your village town or kingdom, met you and traveled with you to bring you to the factions Guild halls. You know a few of the knights! The Knights you most likely have talked to Are: Sania Silver (Elf), Brian and Mich Locke, Xanatos and Ryun Bloodseeker. (All four, Human) 4: You guys aren't coming into this with chars who inherently know how to fight other than basics from childhood play. Punching, kicking, biting, hitting with sticks, Etc. Last thing, if you don't think you can stay as active as you'd like Say So. I understand emergencies, and the RP is set up so your char can be moved about shuffled around. You can always come back and PM me, we can talk about how your char will have developed in your time away, what they've been doing, and more. In fact, the reason there is a Hierarchy, and a way for you guys to go higher in rank... Is so that when/If I have an emergency, you guys can still RP and interact with your inferiors/Superiors with minor guidance from me. Now then, with all that settled. . . _____________________________________________________________ [h1] The Moonlit Order [/h1] The Sword, The Dragon, The Rose. These are the factions that make up The Order. You are being recruited for the largest faction, The Sword. Your previous life is lost. Beggar, Peddler, Farmer or Lord, you're now a Recruit. You, from where ever you're from, no matter your race, have traveled with the recruiters and made your way to the halls of The Sword. Here at the Guild Halls of The Sword you will be trained by one or more of many master knights in the way of War. No matter your master(s), you are now a Recruit of the sword, and will be living together in the Barracks. You know the other recruits, You know the Knight Recruiters, and soon the first classes will begin, and you will be allowed to chose your Armor Class, Weapon or weapons, and other specializations such as Medic, engineer, Cavalry, and Ranger. Your group was assigned to the barracks named the Seeker Hall. You share this hall with the knights Sania, Mich, Brian, Kale and Xanatos. You do not know much about Kale but he is apparently a Senior Knight of the Dragon. He uses a Longbow and a Long Sword. You know Xanatos has a weird secret and ALWAYS wears a cloak, Always. to hide something, he also is the Master Smith and Quartermaster (As in, He's the guy who's going to give you gear... and kick your scrawny arse if you break it) OH, and Xanatos is Ryun's Son. what your char will IMMEDIATELY know, regardless of anything, is that there are other recruits knights and squires, there's several training yards, halls, barracks and a Guild hall/Mead hall in the center of this faction keep. [Hider=Extra information] For those of you who have been promoted you will be moved to the new faction, The Dragon, and offered more intense training to the point you can master your weapon(s). By this point you can choose another recruit to make your apprentice [/Hider] _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Char Sheet: Name: Age: (Suggested ages: Human 16 - 22, Elf 16 - 40, Dwarf 16 - 25.) Race: (Human, Dwarf, Elf, or pm to ask for a specific Race) Height: Weight: Social Class: (I.e: Homeless, serf, peasant, noble, Etc.) Location of Recruitment: (I.e: Village, Town, City, Keep, Stronghold, Capital) Previous occupation: (i.e: Smith, Beggar, Guard, Merchant) Appearance: (Text, picture or both) Chosen Specialization: (Medic, Cavalry, Ranger, Craftsman) Chosen Weapon(s): Chosen Armor Class: Items Carried: (Add Recruits' tunic, pants and belt.) Positive Traits: (i.e, Protective, Strong, calm, collected, Good habits) Neutral Traits: (just personality/character quirks) Negative Traits: (I.e, Anger issues, odd smell, deformity, bad habits) Reason for pursuing Knighthood: Backstory: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I'll be keeping my Char-sheets Up To Date with everything you guys learn about each char, adding more chars, removing those who die adding References to chars you hear about but do not Meet. Such as several Legends of the order you chars could look up to, like Raynold, Peyrelia and Miamont.