[center][img]http://s20.postimg.org/dz6wbvzm1/Shakra.png[/img] [h2][color=lime]Shakrais Mahavedya[/color][/h2][/center] Both the disgruntled murmurs of the man(?) and his hasty departure went completely unnoticed by Shakrais who’d invested the entirety of his attention on the rather friendly woman standing before him. Claudia’s response hadn’t quite been ideal, but her charming smile made up for it, and was leagues better than the uneasy look of discomfort Shakrais’s usually received when he approached women. [color=lime]“A smitten fool from the very moment I set my eyes on you fair lady”[/color] Shakrais continued, feigning modesty as he graciously accepted the piteous little offering of silver coins. A true-tyrant never turned down an offering of valuables no matter how small, and it wasn’t Claudia’s fault she couldn’t resist paying tribute to Shakrais’s irresistible charm, right? [color=lime]“You would be most welcome to join me-eee?!?”[/color] Shakrais yelped as something, or rather someone abruptly decided to slam themselves against the small of his back, knocking him unexpectedly forward… had Claudia not been standing right infront of him Shakrais might have managed to regain his balance, but wanting to avoid embarrassing the friendly woman, Shakrais attempted to step to the side…. And ended up tripping over his own feet, landing face first by Claudia’s feet. Shakrais had heard the calls for Claudia, but had dismissed Ravel’s cries as at this point, Shakrais had no way of knowing that the Claudia being called for, was the same woman that stood before him. Laying still on the ground for a good few seconds, it was only when on-lookers were beginning to think Shakrais had been knocked out that Shakrais reluctantly took Claudia’s hand and lifted himself up. Mumbling a rather bitter [color=lime]“Thanks”[/color] though the comment was equally intended to be a sarcastic bite at his own spirit partner who mockingly wriggled around in his pouch of jewels. Quartz had sensed an approaching figure long before the collision, but had intentionally decided to remain uninvolved, sensing that the assailant didn't seem to be approaching with the intent to harm. Shakrais wasn’t usually one to respond in a hostile manner, but clear signs of fuelled irritation flickered dangerously as emerald green orbs turned to face their aggressor. Things had been going so well between him and Claudia, and then this stupid [i]human-girl[/i] had to ruin…. Knocking Claudia’s hand away, and brushing past the master to get to the spirit. Shakrais swiftly took ahold of Ravel’s hands, turning her back towards him so that he could get a good look into her eyes. [color=lime]“Become my wife then” [/color] Shakrais stated firmily, his eyes filled with the look of a genuinely love smitten fool. [color=lime]“I never thought it possible, but you my fiery angel are the definition of beauty, you’re so beautiful it’s almost hard to believe you’re [i]human[/i]”[/color]