[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=36517&s=60&t=Types%20of%20Magic&c=FFFFFF[/img][/center] [hider=Magic Bloods] [hider=Singer Magic] Singer Magic is typically genetic, especially if both parents are singers. If one parent is a singer then its a 70% chance that their child will be one too. If their is a singer within the past two generations (grandparent, or great grandparent) then there is a 35-50% chance. Though any farther down the family tree it is rather unlikely, maybe a 2% chance. [u]Animal-Singer[/u] - They have the ability to communicate with animals, and understand them. They can influence an animals behavior. They have the ability to enter the mind of an animal and control its actions. There magic does not work on dragons or unicorns. [u]People-Singer[/u] - The rarest of the Singer abilities. People-Singers use their voices to persuade others rather easily. They have the ability to force others to obey their spoken commands, and can control minds by using the sound of their voice. They are naturally charismatic and influential. They can change the emotions of others around them, and people are naturally drawn to them. Many People-singers have empathy ability to feel the emotions others. The can speak/read/write all languages. (Their has only been 5 documented cases of people-singers in the last 150 years. It is very rare.) [u]Fire-Singer[/u] - Ability to create and manipulate fire/heat to ones will, and some can even direct lightning. A majority of Fire-singers are Dragoth people. [u]Dream-Singer[/u] - They have the power to enter another person's dream, but they cannot control the dream, though they can insert ideas, and false memories into a persons subconscious while they sleep. Precognitive dreaming is another thing they can do, this is the ability to see the past, and present through dreaming. They can create Illusions by manipulating how other people perceive reality even when they are awake, but this can backfire as it causes extreme stress and fatigue to the Dream-singer. By touching an object or person they can see the history of it, this ability takes focus, and if its a person, they have to be willing. They also can put people to sleep, and cause drowsiness by closely blowing into someones face. [u]Sky-Singer[/u] - able to influence the weather. They can modify the temperature of the environment, control all forms of precipitation, humidity and moisture. They can generate lightning. They can also dissipate such weather to form clear skies. There are an extremely gifted few who can incite tornadoes, thunderstorms, blizzards, and hurricanes. Their control of the weather only works locally, and the farthest anyone has been able to extend their magic is one mile from where they stand. [u]Blood-Singer[/u] - Can rapidly heal others by touching them, when they are in pain, or wounded. Can also heal oneself when hurt. The pain taken from healing someone is stored in the singers body, and they are able to transfer that pain into others through touch. Can not cure disease or illness, but they can repair the internal damage the disease causes. Knowledge of anatomy, and the systems of the body are extremely helpful in controlling their magic properly. Through skin to skin contact they can find exactly what ails someone. [u]Energy-Singer[/u] - The ability to generate and propel charges of electricity ranging from minor to fatal voltage. They also have the power to leech physical energy from an object, creature, or other energy source, which they can use for themselves or transfer to another. When using their ability, ones hands will glow. During more intense use, their entire body may glow. They can generate a translucent force-field out of energy. The force-field, like an actual solid, can be used as a protective barrier. [u]Flora-Singer[/u] - The power to control plant-life. One can cause plants to grow, and revive withered plants. They can shape and manipulate plants, including wood, vines, plants, grass, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, and flowers. Most Nasmyra druids are plant-singers. [u]Water-Singer[/u] - Can control and manipulate water in all its forms (vapor, ice, steam). They can also change water from one state to another. [u]Soul-Singer[/u] - Able to communicate/control spirits and ghosts. They can conjure them back to the world of the living into fresh corpses. They can put someone in a stasis death like coma. They can see how someone will die by pressing their palm against a persons cheat where the heart is. [u]Wind-Singer[/u] - They control and manipulate air. Many Wind-Singers are employed on sky ships to control the air currants and help propel the ships. They can purify air, and steal the breath from someone lungs. [u]Earth-Singer[/u] - They have the ability to manipulate earth and rock in all their various forms, including lava, though solid rock is much easier to manipulate then mud and magma. Sand is practically impossible to manipulate as they must focus on each individual grain of sand. [u]Stone-Singer[/u] - Is a form of communication through a specific stone called Kater Stone. A silent form of speech that will work anywhere where there is Katar stone. All one has to do is to use shared common memories while keeping touch with the stone so the speech flows through the stone to other touching it. If one does not share the common memory they will get the closest like-form that they have of a memory. Stone-Singers also have an affinity for all forms of rock/stone/metals/gems but mainly Katar. [b][i]Only[/i][/b] the native people of mount vardan are stone-singers. The Vardanian people all know by heart the traditional song and stories of Vardan. The songs have meanings and messages to them that aid one when stone-singing, and relaying information. [/hider] [hider=Magic Born] [hider=Races] These are Races, and certain ethnic groups with innate magic. Innate Magic means they have a natural source of magical energy within themselves. They can practice any of the magic types listed under [i]Magic Users[/i], without the need to draw energy from other sources. Angelics Fairies Cervi Merpeople Elvishae Dragoth-Human Emoli-Human Anjou-Humans Vardanians-Human ------------- Some Races have magic specific to their kind. To read about those abilities please look at the Ethnicity Descriptions. [/hider] [hider=Lycanthrope] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/44/c3/bc/44c3bc0add9337652c406b49377698b3.jpg[/img][/center] Lycanthropes are a cursed bloodline from the beginning of time. They are a near-extinct species of individuals who unwillingly transform into large, fearsome and extremely hostile wolfbeasts on the night of the full moon. A person with the Lycanthrope gene, has to kill a human in order to trigger the gene. It does not matter if the kill was accidental or intentional. If a Lycanthrope causes the death of a human, the cursed gene will be activated. Most people have no idea they are of the Lycanthrope bloodline, and can live their whole life without triggering the transformation. Lycanthrope's are typically more aggressive and quick to anger then an average person. They also are naturally athletic and strong. On nights of the new moon (no moon) they become weak, and lethargic. Most people who have triggered the gene and know the truth will purposefully choose to not have children, so they can end the cursed bloodline. Unfortunately people who have no idea, and never trigger their gene tend to go on and have normal lives with children and so on, thus the Lycanthrope bloodline continues on. Lycanthrope people are not immortal, which means they can be injured or die from any mortal wounds. Aconitum is a plant that inhibits their ability to heal. Silver is poisonous and causes severe pain/burns when touched. Hunters have used them silver arrowheads and swords for centuries when hunting Lycans. As they are mortals they can be killed with any severe blow to their body. However, silver directly to the heart can kill them instantly. Hunters typically kill Lycanthrope, and the siblings, parents, and children in order to eradicate the bloodlines. The bloodline started with five human brothers. Cursed by a coven of witches after they raped and murdered three of their daughters. Thus there are five Lycanthrope bloodlines, and each is a tad different then the other. [b]Levi Bloodline[/b] - In beast form eyes glow Red. Predominate personality traits that surface after triggering the gene - Dominating, Manipulative, Sadistic, and Deranged. More prone to evil then the other bloodlines. [b]Yarjo Bloodline[/b] - In beast form eyes glow Yellow. Predominate personality traits that surface after triggering the gene - Compulsive, Oversexed, Rambunctious, and Hyperactive. Physically faster then the other bloodlines. This is the most common and widespread Lycanthrope bloodline. [b]Cisco Bloodline[/b] - In beast form eyes glow Blue. Predominate personality traits that surface after triggering the gene - Wrathful, Temperamental, Dauntless, and Vindictive. Physically stronger then the other bloodlines. [b]Axel Bloodline[/b] - In beast form eyes glow Green. Predominate personality traits that surface after triggering the gene - Egotistical, Greedy, Jealous, and Obsessive. Typically more physically attractive then the other bloodlines. [b]Nevin Bloodline[/b] - In beast form eyes are completely black. Predominate personality traits that surface after triggering the gene - Cautious, Irritable, Cynical, and some form of a superiority complex. More intelligent then the other bloodlines. This is the most least common and practically extinct Lycanthrope bloodline. [/hider] [hider=Raw Magic] c[/hider] [hider=Sight]full moon born at midnight - rare - born with fae sight and can go into the inbetween [/hider] [hider=Detector]Detects magic [b]uses[/b] and born, and can type them. [/hider] [hider=Aura Preceptor] c[/hider] [hider=Earthbound] c[/hider] [hider=Charmed]luck bringer [/hider] [hider=Deflector]magic immunity. guken alice [/hider] [hider=Gifted]crafter magic - gathering blue book by lois inkheart read alive/ draw alive. pid pipper music. [/hider][/hider] [/hider] [hider=Magic Users] Magic Users are not born with innate magic. They draw magical energy from different sources. It takes quite a bit of study and practice to use magic properly. The following are the different types of users, all have a different way of collecting and using magic. Many also have their own rules, ideals, and teachings. In most cases the excessive overuse of magic can lead to disorientation, nose bleeds, unconsciousness, and if taken to the extreme, death. Note: These are also official names/definitions of the different forms of magic study and practice. Magic-Born can also learn and practice as these, but Magic-Born do not have to draw energy from other sources as they have their own natural magic to use. [hider=Castor] Castor Magic is all based around nature and order. Magical energy is drawn from the earth, and this is used to make spells and such work. Castor is a term used for both genders. Spellweaver is another less often used term. Castor magic comes in the form of - Spells, hexes, charms, and curses. Basically magic directed through spoken words. Castors keep their personal spells in their own Incantus (also called a Grimoire, book of shadows, or spell book). Every Incantus is different, as they vary greatly. Many books are passed down through parent to child, or Mentor to student. They are edited and added to over many generations. The success of a spell will depend on if it is cast properly, and the castors knowledge of how to use magic energy. Any person, substance, or thing that prevents a castor from giving full attention to their spells can hinder them from effectively pulling off magic. And so can a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc. Whether the threat is real or imagined; the condition or feeling of being afraid could sometimes cause a Castor to involuntarily block magic for a short time. Most castors learn how to use magic in schools, but personal study is also an option. [/hider] [hider=Sorcery] Sorcerer is a term used for males, and Sorceress is used for females. Sorcery magic is drawn from one's own life energy. Every time they use magic is shortens their lifespan. Depending on how difficult, and complex the incantation, or conjure is, results in how much life is taken. It could be only a second, or possibly days. Therefore Sorcerers tend to bind their life force to objects and enchant them, so they don't have to use magic every time. They also can summon demons to do their bidding, but that is typically not a very safe route. Example: They use magic to enchant a mirror to work as a location device. Then they do not have to use magic when they want to find or locate someone/thing. They can just use the mirror. Many use animal sacrifice as a proxy, but animal life energy is much less stable and it is rather weak. [/hider] [hider=Witch] Witch is a term used for both genders. Witches use Ancestral magic. They draw energy from the power of their Ancestors. However, ancestral magic is limited to the area where the witch's ancestors are buried. Without access to the remains, or to the earth in which they're consecrated, witches are powerless. As a result, witches are very committed to their families and their coven. Witch magic comes in the form of: Tarot card reading, rituals, scrying, palm reading, runes, and potions. Almost all Witches are apart of a coven (also called a circle). Typically these covens are made up of family members, and relatives. There is also quite a few covens made up of friends, or like-minded witches. Covens are necessary for teaching the next generation, for passing down their knowledge and skills. They also come together for magic gathering ceremonies/rituals, such as celebrating the harvest season. A coven has collective magic and is more powerful then castors. The head of the coven is usually the eldest, or the one with the strongest magic. To keep the ancestral magic flowing, a coven must perform a ritual known as the [i]Mortifero Amass[/i]. This is where the first born child of every new generation is sacrificed. Within a week after being born, the baby is taken to the ancestral burial ground, and buried alive as the sunsets. Over the grave each member of the coven lets a drop of their own blood fall onto the soil, thus renewing their magic. New members (non blood related persons) can also gain the usage of this magic during this ritual when they drop their blood onto the grave. If a witch does not drop their blood atop the grave before sunrise then she/he can't use ancestral magic anymore, until the next generations sacrifice ritual. If the ritual is not completed, the coven will lose their magic until they sacrifice the baby. Though Witches are magic-users many people consider them a subcategory of Magic-born, because their magic is tied heavily into family. [/hider] [hider=Warlock] l[/hider] [hider=Wizard] l[/hider] [hider=Alchemist] l[/hider] [hider=Magician]mage[/hider] [/hider]