[center][h1]Victor Strom & Aura Kalstov[/h1][/center] [center][img]http://cutmypic.com/uploads/title894875696.png[/img] [img]http://www.cutmypic.com/uploads/title133452832.png [/img][/center] The sound of battle filled the air, with two Song Knights and their spirits clashing in a quiet part of town. The Swashbuckler Knight and The Prodigy of Light, both names fairly well known in the nearby academy, were in the midst of a rough sparring session to test each others' mettle. Rarely did the actual sound of clashing metal fill the air, however, as the Prodigy's rapier weaved around the heavier slashes of the Swashbuckler's twin cutlasses. The wind and water from the area had already been thoroughly churned by the two spirits fighting, with the Swashbuckler's spirit calling upon the wind and propelling blasts of water while the Prodigy's own spirit sent beams of light flashing around the field. [hr] The Swashbuckler Knight, Aura Kalstov, was being pressured more than she had been by almost any other opponent in the academy. With Victor whipping up the winds, it was taking more of Ai's focus than she'd like to admit to help keep her safe. Thankfully her partner was giving as good as she received, using her uncontested control of the water from Aura's bottles and the surrounding air to apply pressure to the light spirit standing in opposition to her. Generally, Aura liked to try and overwhelm her foe with fast-paced strikes, keeping up thorough pressure until her opponent's defense faltered, however Victor had managed to evade the worst of her strikes. Neither she or her opponent had gone unscathed, however. Aura's weapons had bitten flesh, leaving bloody marks on her opponent, though Victor had since healed them. Aura's own body was still dripping vital fluids, though thankfully at a leisurely drip and not a desparate pour. She was now breathing in heavy, measured breaths as her eyes slid over her opponent. Ai was facing a similarly rough battle against Cloud, the two battling for control over the winds while Cloud fired off with blasts of hot light and Ai answered in kind with torrents of cool water. This was a dance the four had performed many a time before. Cloud and Ai duking it out with magic as the two students traded blows with rapier and cutlass respectively. Victor was constantly impressed by Aura, one of the only students in the Bach Empire able to hold their own against him. He had to constantly strive to improve himself, lest the opponent before him ever manage to defeat him. Victor was certain that she felt the same. The Battle Royale was dawning upon them, and what better way to be ready for the coming fight than with a mock battle? Today however, Victor felt that superiority would surely belong to him. He smacked the flat of his blade against Aura’s right hand, forcing her to drop one of the cutlasses. The Prodigy proceeded to do a quick pirouette with his sword held out to catch his opponent off guard, which ended with the tip of his rapier a hair’s breadth away from Aura’s neck. Victor grinned at the Swashbuckler, triumphant. This grin quickly faltered however, as he saw the smirk on Aura’s face. Her second cutlass was lightly pressing against his stomach. Cloud and Ai, realizing that their Knight’s fight had ended in yet another draw, ceased their own competition. Victor sighed as he sheathed his rapier, watching Aura go to retrieve her other blade, which was lying a few feet away. [color=FFC125]“At this rate,”[/color] He began jovially. [color=FFC125]“They’re going to have to start handing out two first place titles.”[/color] With a slight chuckle, Aura responded [color=0072bc]"Maybe they will. We're both really good, we may even be able to get into the finals."[/color] As she bent down to pick up Swash from where it had fallen, she slid Buckle into its sheathe on her right hip. Swash soon joined its twin in its sheathe as Ai trooped over, an easy grin on her face as she did, shouting boisterously over at Victor [color=0072bc]"Yeah, maybe so, but you better take little Aura out to dinner afterwards! A gentleman has to be kind to a lady, after all!"[/color] Ai gave a mischievous snicker at that while Aura blushed slightly, countering [color=0072bc]"How would you know how to treat a lady, Ai?"[/color] Ai's smile turned to a tight frown and she stalked away, mumbling to herself. Aura still grinned slightly, knowing her partner well enough to know she wasn't upset. Turning to Victor, she patted her wounds slightly as she said [color=0072bc]"This bleeding did leave me pretty hungry though...would you want to go get something to eat?"[/color] As if to accent this statement, her stomach growled angrily, bringing a deep grimace to Aura's face as well as an embarrassed chuckle. Victor smiled easily at her. [color=FFC125]“Taking you out somewhere would be my ple-”[/color] However, he was quickly cut off by Cloud, who had just now noticed Aura’s numerous wounds. [color=FF9912]“Goodness gracious! Aura dear are you feeling alright? Lightheaded? Sick? Woozy? No? Are you sure? Good! Well, let me see what I can do about all of this anyways!”[/color] The bright blue gem on it’s chest began to glow a brilliant blue as the cuts across Aura’s body began to close and fade away. [color=FF9912]“There we go,”[/color] It chirped merrily. [color=FF9912]“All better!”[/color] Cloud began to drift away towards Ai. Now that Cloud was out of the way, Victor once more began to speak. [color=FFC125]“As I was saying, I’d enjoy taking us out somewhere. It’s been a while since we’ve done anything of the sort hasn’t it? I think I know a restaurant on the edge of the marketplace, not too far from here. We’ll be able to eat in peace before the chaos that the festival will no doubt bring. How’s that sound?”[/color] He said, offering his arm so she can link her’s through it. A proper gentlemanly act. Accepting his arm with a grateful smile, Aura replied with a cheery tone [color=0072bc]"You're right, the tournament will probably have the city even more full of people than usual soon! I'd be delighted to go share a meal with you!"[/color] From behind, Aura became aware of Ai falling back in, Cloud not far behind, the two spirits chatting amongst themselves, with Aura occasionally catching a snippet of it containing her name or Victor's. [hr] The two arrived at the restauraunt after only a brief walk, thankfully it wasn't too crowded. Before long, the two had been ushered into a booth, Ai and Cloud along with them. The pair sparred in this area on occasion, so at the very least the locals of this district were familiar with both Cloud and Ai. As a result, a six foot woman or a floating blue creature no longer drew as many eyes as they would've this time a year ago. Aura, now carefully sipping at a cup of tea, asked Ai [color=0072bc]"So..what were you and Cloud talking about? Anything serious, or were you just shooting the breeze?"[/color] Ai released a loud groan as Aura used the same pun she used every single time she and Cloud spoke. For whatever reason, the tiny Song Knight never grew weary of this particular turn of phrase and was giggling like a schoolgirl next to her spirit. After a moment, Ai cracked a smile at the sight of her little knight looking happy, and so replied [color=0072bc]"Ehhh, nothing too serious. Y'know, just planning the wedding for you and Victor so that your families don't have to worry about it!"[/color] It was Ai's turn to laugh as Aura turned red, as she always did whenever Ai poked at the possibility of becoming romantic with Victor. Victor fought to keep a neutral expression as his cheeks ever so slightly tinged themselves red. As always, he was never quite sure how he felt about this line of discussion whenever it was brought up. Cloud on the other hand, knew just what it’s feelings on the issue were. [color=FF9912]“Oh, it would be wondrous! Miss Aura walking down the aisle in a pretty white dress as- Ooohh! As Victor stands at the end in his tuxedo looking just ever so dashing! I could be the one to officially wed them! Ai, you could be the flower girl! We could make you look gorgeous in a pretty white dress too!”[/color] It leaned over towards Aura conspiratorially. [color=FF9912]“Fear not however,”[/color] It said in a voice trying to be hushed that came out way louder than normal. [color=FF9912]“YOUR dress will always be the prettiest. Ooooh! And then I say those wonderful words! You may kiss the bride!”[/color] Cloud was practically bubbling with enthusiasm at this point. The spirit was entirely oblivious to both Victor and Aura’s faces slowly getting redder and redder. [color=FFC125]“Okay then!”[/color] Victor said in a strained voice. [color=FFC125]“Let’s talk about something else now! Like…”[/color] He cleared his throat, and rebuilt his calm demeanor. [color=FFC125]“Have any of you looked into who would be participating in the competition this year? I have, and I’m not going to lie, they look like steep competition. Ueno made it in. He’s the one that I’m most worried about, personally. Have you seen Conquest?”[/color] Victor sincerely hoped that Ai and Cloud would allow to let this attempt of changing the topic slide by without opposition.