On the night of the Council of Shadows meeting, the sun began to set, shining right onto a wooden house which was right at the edge of the woods. The house was about two kilometers away from Greenwich, and the woods were not marked on any of the current maps.  In front of the house was a river, and a small yet stable footbridge over top of it which lead to another set of woods, which would take you to the next town if you knew which way to walk, otherwise you would just get lost. About a hundred years ago, the only living human who had known about this house was the owner, who was a hunter and he hadn’t exactly gained this house through lawful means. He had been hunting down a werewolf for months, and on the final day of the chase it led him to this place. The werewolf taken the owner of the place hostage and the hunter ended up killing them both out of greed, and kept the house for himself as well as all the valuables in it. Up until a month before his death, the hunter had shared this information with another hunter friend of his, who was none other than Demetrius. Shortly after finding about the house, Demetrius decided that he needed to keep something like this for himself, in case he ever needed to hide for a while before disappearing. After a month of planning and deceiving the hunter that owned the house, he killed him in the woods on the other side of the river, and buried his body. The time did come where he would have to disappear, and after a few centuries of deception; he was finally realized for what he truly was and he was hunted down by all the hunters, since they didn’t want any of the information he had to get into the hands of others. After hiding out at the house for a while he managed to escape, and had no need for the house anymore yet he kept it in case he did in the future. The time he might need it in the future had finally arrived, Dagon, the former leader of the demons needed a place to hide out when he got here, and it’d be suicide to hide close to the cities, so Demetrius offered him this place. Demetrius walked out of the house, since he had to go to the Council of Shadows meeting, and a task to complete before it. The sunlight hit his long white hair, making it glow a bit, and he made his way through the woods, not rushing at all, since he still had lots of time before the Council of Shadows meeting started, and a while after that, until Dagon arrived. After walking a fair amount of distance he got to Greenwich. As he walked through the place, seeing how all the people interacted and how much waste they produced from simply living. Demetrius was following Dagon because he thought that humankind was nothing but a strain on this Earth, since they turned everything around them into excrement. He had observed humankind long enough to know that this was how they operated, that they were a fluke in nature that had a need to customize their surroundings to themselves, seeing no need for themselves to evolve anymore. He personally didn’t care whether at the end which race ruled over it all, he just wanted humankind gone so that the world would advance, and so that it wouldn’t slowly die out, and then be rebuilt again, get trashed by humans, slowly die out, and so on and so forth. No, Demetrius was in on this to change the natural course of the world. He made his way to a pub, to meet up with one of his many informants, who went by the name Matthew. The man was sitting at a table, absolutely drunk off his ass. Demetrius scowled at an example of typical human behaviour, drowning oneself in a substance that slowly killed parts of you and more importantly got in the way of others and their affairs. Demetrius tapped him on the shoulder, and spoke in a tone that let out the slightest hint of frustration, yet was calm and collected while at the same time serious. “Hello there, Matthew, I trust you have information for me like you assured me you would?” Matthew, after sitting still for a few moments, slowly turned his head, confused. “Whaa..?” “Let’s go for a walk, I don’t give a damn how drunk you are.” Demetrius scowled, and grabbed him by the collar, forcing him to walk outside. Once they were outside, he took him behind the pub. “Now, as I was saying. The information, do you have it or not?” Taking a few moments to respond yet again, Matthew then appeared as though a great thought had come to him, as he spoke up. “Oh righhhhhht… Th-the information… The one that um…. What’s his name again…” The man looked up as though he was thinking, but Demetrius hardly doubted there was any thinking happening while he was in this state. “Oh yeaahhh… Ames! He s-said he’d give some information tonight, for uh… I forget the amount of money, but he said the information was worth it!” Demetrius scowled and grimaced, realizing that Ames had actually been willing to two-time them. "Thank you Matthew, I'll go visit him." He said, in the calmest tone he could manage, albeit the fact he was quite pissed. He made his was to Ames' house, and when he neared he winced in remembrance of how bad the place smelled. He pushed the door open and covered his nose, but breathing through his mouth was still an issue, since the taste of the air was disgusting as well. Demetrius noticed something off, it was how the air smelled worse than usual, like somebody had died here. "Ames wasn't the type to fight..." He mumbled to himself as he advanced. He sees where he was, pinned to the wall and brutally killed. Demetrius didn't need to sense his presence to know who did this, it was Mephistos, he'd kill anyone like this once they were no longer an asset. Demetrius recounted the events of the past days, and what Ames had known. Sighing in relief that Ames knew next to nothing, he quickly left the place, walking to the Council of Shadows meeting. He arrived quite soon after he left, and saw Ash waiting for him. He approached her, giving her a slight half smile, attempting to keep moods up albeit what he just noticed.