Oliver tilted his head back and rolled it back and forth, cracking his neck before he stepped through the portal that appeared in front of him. There were children running in their general direction, and he got the feeling that the armoured man behind them was the reason for that. Everyone stopped dead when a Paladin appeared. He lacked a surcoat, and bore no indication of his allegiance beyond the icon in the hilt of his greatsword. That didn't seem to phase the soldier behind the girls, though. He immediately started shouting about killing them. "You couldn't kill me if I let you." the warrior replied with a sneer. That got the reaction that he wanted, and the man who'd been chasing children around picked someone closer to his weight class. Unfortunately for the poor bastard, he was now punching upward at a significant angle. Oliver swayed out of the way of his first cut, letting his massive sword swing him out of the way of the blow, while simultaneously reaching for his knife. The soldier was quick, he deserved props for that, but he wasn't nearly quick enough to get the drop on his opponent. The Paladin had a firm grip on his kukri by the time his enemy had made the mental adjustments necessary to try and get a hit in on the warrior he faced, and when the sword arced toward him this time, the Cleric didn't move out of the way. His left hand shot out and latched onto the soldier's wrist. Then his right hand appeared out of nowhere, whipping around and bringing his knife down on the man's arm. He didn't swing with full force, though, and very deliberately got the blade lodged halfway through his enemy's arm. While the would-be child-killer screamed and dropped his weapon, Oliver reversed his grip on the knife, and wrenched it free, elbowing the man in the throat at the same time. A rapid follow-up buried the blade in his opponent's throat, and the man collapsed once the Paladin relinquished his grip. Oliver wanted to know more about what was going on, but was pretty sure it made more sense to go and save the villagers before he started asking questions. He figured they could explain what was going on once they had been saved from their attackers. Unless Sanguine had some very good points in the next second or two he was going to start running toward the sounds of one-sided battle.