[@POOHEAD189] Quick mention here - The reason that Kyra can swim without hindrance is a combination of Strength, having the swim skill and having Armor Proficiency Light - Your character has no armor proficiency so this would removed the ability to swim without hindrance in Light Armor. (in fact with no armor proficiency, he wouldn't be able to wear armor period without severe problems. So would either need to add in a proficiency or remove the chainmail. And a CMB can be looked at as either a light or medium - If you are counting it as say an AC 5 it is surely a Medium. SO even if he had Armor Proficiency Light wouldn't be useful. ) - Now, taking all that into account - even adding in an Armor proficiency proper for a CMB he still wouldn't be able to swim in it with the Swim Skill, Armor Proficiency Skill, with a STR of 15 - the combined skills would not allow for a CMB, Pack and Shield. The three combined are only good for pack, light armor and light weapons. Nothing hugely bulkly like a CMB and Shield on top of weapons and pack.