[@wolf paws]: See I'm starting to consider hiding my 18+ into my post because I end up running into a lot of people who take the 18+ to mean an RP that's barely toeing the line of cyber sex. @___@ When really it's there as a warning that sexytimes between characters [i]can[/i] happen but I still fully expect the effort you'd expect from any other RP. I'm not here to write sex, I'm here to write character interaction and a lot of the times romance. And sex has a lot to do with both of them. It's gotten to the point where people see the 18+ and completely ignore that I specifically want f/f romance, which is right in the title. M/f and m/m only being on the table when doubling is involved, described in the post. ----------- On a related note: READ THE WHOLE POST. I've had so many people ask me questions that could've been answered if they just read my post. I'm a pretty flexible RPer, as such there are very few original ideas I won't do. So I haven't bothered to make a list of genres for original RPs because I am willing to do almost [i]anything[/i]. I explain this in my post, directly before listing fandoms I like and are willing to RP with. You know how many times I get 'Well I don't know many fandoms and don't really RP them...'. Great. Good. If you read the damn post you'd know I'm [i]perfectly alright[/i] with original RPs. -grumbles-