[quote=@Hakyoku] working on my cs now but, follow up questions if i may: Roughly what is the timeframe the story is taking place? I want to be able to know what technology is available and what kinds of armors are in use typically. I'm guessing around or beyond the 14th century but i dont want to make any assumptions. As far as specializations go, are recruits coming in with a preference and are they allowed multiple specializations or is this granted later on? Are weapon choices static? If i were to start off with a short sword lets say, could that character change their mind and switch to training with axes or warhammers? thanky you in advance - Haky [/quote] Typically due to this being a Fantasy setting there's a lot of options but mainly think around the time of the Holy Crusades. Armors range from your basic Padded Leather, up to the intimidating Full Plate, with exotic armors in between like Lammilar and Arabian plate the topic of weaponry, most knights like to stick to one type of weapon, but changing your mind as a recruit is perfectly acceptable, as many weapons can be handled the same, or similarly there wouldn't be anything to hinder your progress Typically a recruit can learn as many specializations they want, but Xan will REPEATEDLY remind you, and suggest that perhaps you should focus on One at a time, or stick to just one.