[color=39b54a][h2][center]Randar Xenil[/center][/h2][/color] [center][img]http://cutmypic.com/uploads/title42353292.png[/img][/center] In his mind, this was going great. He was doing his best to lead a crowd away from danger and keeping them from panicking. He was probably gonna be praised for this, shouldn't be too much work to slip away as the glory hounds come in seeking their share of the fame. After all, everyone made good decisions and handled this pretty well, all things considered. This was sadly not how it happened though. Randar was lost in his tune pleased that things were going well, until a small child's voice was heard. She was discrediting the Song Knights, and worse than that, Randar's attempts to help. He knew that tampering with citizens minds was frowned on, so he was using a weak area calming tune. It was no match for the crowd's quickly growing anger, as he was realizing fairly quick. He turned around, finding himself surrounded by an angry mob arming themselves with nearby weapons. He felt small, smaller than he already was. He was attempting to retreat into his coat, memories of bullies surfacing in his mind. He glanced to his now missing Spirit, Cothyl. He felt so alone right now, helpless and ready to panic. [color=39b54a]"I wasn't trying to hurt anyone here, I- I was just trying to..."[/color] was all he could stammer out, his voice being lost quickly in the growing sound of the crowd. He couldn't see or hear any of the other Song Knights due to his small size, he was being overwhelmed by the cries of anger and threats slung at him. Cothyl was ready to fight the Behemoth, but it was over before he could do anything. [color=f7941d]"At least put up a fight if you were so scary"[/color] he quickly said to no one in particular. He was considering where Randar went, when he heard the small girl's voice. He knew where this was going, and was rushing to protect Randar from what was about to happen. [color=f7941d]"Sometimes I wonder which of us is protecting the other"[/color] he continued to mumble as he navigated towards the sounds of the crowd. He knew better than to actually fight them, but he wanted to make sure they didn't dare touch Randar. Randar was falling apart, why don't they understand? He just wanted to find Cothyl and retreat to an alley way, but that was the worst idea he had in a while. Someone, anyone, save him from this abuse. He didn't want attention, not like this. He was trying his best to come up with something to help the situation, but his mind was drawing a blank. He was facing a shut down in his mind, [i]so much for going unnoticed[/i].