I had a question about a few techs: Hyper/Subspace Drives: I'd like to use it, if i could. It's hard to explain why, i don't necessarily want it to give me an edge, in fact, i'd be perfectly fine if it worked, mechanically, exactly the same as any warp drive. I'll explain it like this: It's not that i want it to be better, it's that i know it is [i]sexier[/i]. Like those old-school muscle cars. They're actually worse than what i could get now but they're so beautiful, while warp is just so, bland. xD Teleportation (Beam me up, Scotty!): I don't actually want this, but i was left curious after reading your controversial techs. Maybe there's other teleportation techniques, but when it comes to the star-trek transporter-likes, are they also heavily restricted or outright banned? I mean, they're just long-range replicators, with even more tech slapped into it as well, like a disintegration field, the tech to copy, transport, and upload an entire consciousness to a person no where near the device (at least for the latter two parts), and the aforementioned replicator that can work at a planetary distance.