[quote=@Celaira] [@Mahz] This isn't a request for a feature it's more of a question. A long, long while back I asked if CSS/HTML in posts could be a thing. You said no because it could break the forum (totally fine, by the way). I've seen some other forum software pull this off though, and was wondering what the difference was. Aside from code, obviously (one of the forums was based off of the IPB software which had this feature implemented. MyBB can also do it, but I haven't figured it out). I was wondering exactly how/what it would break, mostly. Like, how detrimental would it be? Also, thank you for all your hard work <3 [/quote] Those forums are basically doing the equivalent of implementing BBCode that looks like HTML and then transforming (sanitizing) it into HTML that's unlikely to break the forum or introduce security vulnerabilities. After all, the only reason forums use BBCode syntax over HTML syntax is that BBCode is a little nicer to read/write. e.g. [code][ @Mahz][/code] vs [code][/code]. The benefit of supporting a safe subset of HTML is, as you probably know since you're asking, that it gives people (power users) more formatting control and it's an existing language. However, when I was making a decision on which markup language to support on the Guild, I went with BBCode since I figured it would be the most convenient for most people. Like pretty much every aspect of the Guild, it was simply a compromise in the interest of getting something working quickly with the largest impact per user. Improving the Guild's editor is definitely something I want to do. It just takes some solid uninterrupted work. I'd love to introduce one of those polished editors like https://www.froala.com/wysiwyg-editor. Hopefully it's something I can do soon because I find writing on the Guild very painful from my smartphone.