[center][h1][color=aba000]Lancer[/color][/h1][/center] [@Pie Flavor] Lancer was no magic user, but even he knew how complicated his master had made his safety net. Why, the Servant didn't know, and honestly didn't care except to wonder how far to careful, careful was. Silently treading over to join his master, he dismissed his shield and spear, and removed his helmet. Placing the helm in the crook of his arm, Lancer mussed his curly mane of blonde hair with his free hands, before tilting his head sideways and staring at his Master questioningly. [color=aba000]"Master,"[/color] Lancer began in his rumbling voice, [color=aba000]"Isn't this a waste of energy and resources? I do not understand your paranoia. Caution is a healthy trait, but to much can be crippling."[/color]