[center][h1][color=#8bd3fb]Fear what I am to become[/color][/h1] [b]Name[/b]: [color=#8bd3fb]Hiiko Naismith[/color] [b]Age[/b]: [color=#8bd3fb]17[/color] [b]Race[/b]: [color=#8bd3fb]Human[/color] [b]Height[/b]:[color=#8bd3fb] 5'9[/color] [b]Weight[/b]: [color=#8bd3fb]155 lbs[/color] [b]Social Class[/b]:[color=#8bd3fb] Farmer[/color] [b]Location of Recruitment[/b]: [color=#8bd3fb]Family Farm/Capital[/color] [b]Previous occupation[/b]: [color=#8bd3fb]Farmer/Trader[/color][/center] [hr] [center][h2][b][i]Appearance[/i][/b][/h2]: [hider=Hiiko][IMG]https://41.media.tumblr.com/db183982e3006463c8a7b2d698719255/tumblr_o665i6SNID1tje1w1o1_500.jpg[/img] Credit to original artist[/hider] [color=#8bd3fb]Hiiko exudes youth unhindered by hardship despite being of low class. His eyes shine blue, bright and full of optimism. Accompanied by medium length blonde hair which is usually messy and wild. His features lend themselves to the more feminine side, however pointing this out lends itself to a fiery outburst 90% of the time. Rather average in height, his weight gives Hiiko a lean build. Even then his body is toned from years of farm work and his strength is surprising for his otherwise sinewy stature.[/color][/center] [hr] [b]Chosen Specialization[/b]:[color=#8bd3fb] Heavy Infantry[/color] [b]Chosen Weapon(s)[/b]: [color=#8bd3fb]Warhammer[/color] [b]Chosen Armor Class[/b]: [color=#8bd3fb]Full Plate armor[/color] [b]Items Carried[/b]: [color=#8bd3fb]Recruits' tunic, pants and belt, Silver pendant[/color] [b]Positive Traits[/b]: [color=#8bd3fb]Deceivingly strong, Outgoing, Persuasive[/color] [b]Neutral Traits[/b]: [color=#8bd3fb]Passionate, uninhibited[/color] [b]Negative Traits[/b]: [color=#8bd3fb]somewhat clumsy, spontaneous, poor thinking on his feet[/color] [b]Reason for pursuing Knighthood[/b]:[color=#8bd3fb] Since childhood Hiiko has always looked up to knights as heroes of sorts and wishes to lend his hand to a noble cause in the pursuit of justice and equality for the lower classes.[/color] [center][h2][b][i]Backstory[/i][/b][/h2]: [color=#8bd3fb]Behemoth heffers. Boring. Flightless fowl. How mundane. Various crops as far as tiny eyes could see and legs could flee. Even as a child farm life was so trivial to Hiiko. He and his father toiled away producing crops on land owned by an elven kingdom under the agreement that all crops and livestock would be traded for the capitals benefit whilst the family was given the privilege to live on its outskirts. Not an ear of corn was to be kept, not a stray animal to be harbored. simply boring. The farms monotony drove Hiiko mad, daily he would nag at his father to allow Hiiko to accompany his weekly capital trips. When his father finally caved his excitement was endless, until they reached the capital. Populated solely by elves, save for the few human beggars with no place to call home, the two were outcasts. Alienation was new to Hiiko, all knew to this point was love. One could say he was extremely sheltered. Every stare he received stung as if he could feel the disdain hit him like daggers. But one pair, one pair of eyes stood out from the rest. An elven girl around the same age as Hiiko, whom looked at him with curiosity instead. Even after Hiiko left for home he could remember her grey eyes. His own curiosity forced him to continue making the trips with his father that would have otherwise been unbearable. And like clockwork every Monday there she was in the same spot, waiting for him it seemed. The two became close, promising to meet each week by an old warped tree outside of the marketplace. Hiiko would rush through his work helping his father trade their goods in order to get any amount of time away from the crowd. Any amount of time with his dear friend Mel. ------ Before the visit, Hiiko had no intentions of being anything other than a farmer. It wass all he had know. However two knights happened upon the farm, explaining they had been in the same line of work before transitioning to knighthood. Hiiko had an epiphany of sorts and since that day becoming a knight was his only aspiration. Fearing for the safety of Hiiko, his father offered up a compromise allowing Hiiko to pledge to the knighthood only when he came of age. Begrudgingly Hiiko accepted the offer, carrying out his work until he could be free to follow his cause. Eventually Hiiko was given the freedom to sell and trade within the capital on his own, where he became a slick talker and rather successful salesman. The rest of his time was spent with Mel and progressed to him visiting her home village some ways away frequently. Slowly becoming more and more independent and self sustaining. After turning 17, an adult in his own eyes, barely such in his fathers -- he bumped into the same pair of knights that had stopped by his farm some years ago. Twins by the name of Mich and Brian. After some persuasive talking he convinced the pair to take in both himself and Mel as recruits. Hiiko was aware of the issues between Mel and her family and could hardly think of leaving her behind, not that she would have allowed such a thing. Set to leave the following week Hiiko prepared himself for the new role he was to take on. A protector, not only of himself, Mel, and his family. But a protector of all people.[/color][/center] [right][h3][color=#8bd3fb]Lest I become fear itself[/color][/h3][/right] [right][color=#999999][h1][b][i]One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple.[/i][/b][/h1][/color][/right] [center][b]Name:[/b][color=#999999] Melethiel[/color] [b]Age:[/b][color=#999999] 19[/color] [b]Race:[/b][color=#999999] Elf(Wood)[/color] [b]Height:[/b][color=#999999] 6’0[/color] [b]Weight:[/b][color=#999999] 147 lbs[/color] [b]Social Class:[/b] [color=#999999]Noble[/color] [b]Location of Recruitment:[/b][color=#999999] Capital[/color] [b]Previous Occupation[/b][color=#999999] Woodsculpting[/color][/center] [hr] [center][color=#999999][h2][b][i]Appearance[/i][/b][/h2] [hider=Mel][img]http://i.imgur.com/Ahzta1D.jpg[/img] credit to xx-rainyday-xx@DeviantArt[/hider] Melthiel’s singular color palete, although monochrome, does very little to blend her into any surroundings. Her hair, now worn short and boyish, and eyes are both a striking grey hue. Even as her bangs hang just above her eye-line — they do nothing to stop her eyes from standing out. Behind them are mystery, emotion, intrigue, and wisdom. Porcelain pale skin also accentuates the soft tones of her eyes making her all the more striking. And dare I say……..her eyebrows are on fleek![/color][/center] [hr] [b]Chosen Specialization:[/b][color=#999999] Medic, Ranger[/color] [b]Chosen Weapon(s):[/b] [color=#999999] Long Bow(Yew), Flat Bow(Ash)[/color] [b]Chosen Armour Class:[/b][color=#999999] Light Armour(Grieves, Halburgeon{sleeveless}), Toughened Leather[/color] [b]Items Carried:[/b][color=#999999] Recruits’ Tunic, Pants and belt, Carving knife(Hazelwood handle), Leather Satchel (weak salves and bandages), Leather Quiver[/color] [b]Positive Traits:[/b][color=#999999] Focused under pressure, Caring, Quick Thinking[/color] [b]Neutral Traits:[/b][color=#999999] Hands must be in constant motion[/color] [b]Negative Traits:[/b][color=#999999] Over Protective, Worrisome, Assumed Apathetic, Shy[/color] [b]Reason for pursuing Knighthood:[/b][color=#999999] To remain with Hiiko and keep him out of trouble. Melethiel, after falling out with her family, has no place to go to and no ties to any particular area or person(s) save for Hiiko.[/color] [hr] [center][color=#999999][h2][b][i]Backstory[/i][/b][/h2] [indent][b]S[/b]implicity is a wonderment itself. Melethiel always took joy in the simple opposed to the complex[/indent]. the fact that something existed for a sole purpose, uninterrupted, uninfluenced by anything surrounding — it fascinated her. However, when she saw Hiiko, she saw both. his hard working exterior and his inner peace. His passion and his calmness. his fear and his unwavering bravery. She saw right through him. Mel had always envied his simple life, hoping that one day Hiiko would invite her to join it. [indent][b]B[/b]orn to a noble family, her father was a Council Advisor and often travelled from their smaller village to the Capital and vice versa.[/indent] Mel enjoyed fading into the crowd, alone in the swarm. Until Hiiko urged her to become an individual. Through him she was able to depend on herself and stand on her own. And so she would wait for him everyday under the old warped Ash tree, their agreed meeting point. Even though she knew he would only come once a week. [indent][b]W[/b]hen her family got news of Mel spending so much time with a human, One of the lowest races in their eyes for their lack of respect or honor — she was alienated.[/indent] Essentially she was cold shouldered and shunned. When Hiiko approached her with the idea of leaving to join the knighthood it was a blessing. A chance to get away and start anew. A chance to stay with her dearest friend. One she simply could not pass up.[/color][/center] [right][color=#999999][h3]But when I get the chance. I'm Speechless[/h3][/color][/right]