Got a solid concept nailed down for my guys, they're basically going to be a giant Quarian-styled nomad fleet, fleeing what's basically a zombie death plague that had infected many of their home systems. Of the races I have right now are*: - Hyper-sexual, very fertile nekomimis (seriously, if I probs can't talk about them in the level of detail I want to unless I want to get banned from RPGuild :lol) - Arrogant but intelligent four-armed pricks with fancy masks and robes who live for hundreds of years - The Zerg if they had only single "form", could talk somewhat and weren't driven to kill everything they see. [sub]*These are very, [b][i]very[/i][/b] simplified/abbreviated descriptions, I will have more serious and detailed soon.[/sub] [hider=Some basic, and just as shortened history] Their is that all three races where originally pet science projects of some old race but after said race of oldfucks got rekt by the zombie death plague mentioned above, their middle school science projects evolved and made civilizations of their own. Once they got to space, the nekomimi and the four-armed pricks tried to get along and did for a while until the Not!Zerg bioships came on a nekomimi planet and rekt the place. Blaming the four-armed pricks, there was then a 3-way war in the systems until the four-armed pricks discovered what they thought was an "ancient super biochemical weapon" which they could control and contain. (Spoiler alert, it was actually the super zombie death plague that killed off their creators). After releasing it on a few planets, it was actually the Not!Zerg's hivemind which realized wtf the thing the pricks had jsut released was and had tried to contain it; only to have its Not!Zerlings get fucked by mutated zombie Not!Zerglings. So pretty soon all three races had to band together in an attempt to stop the plague. And when you're life is in danger by something that wants to kill, rape, eat and skin you (hopefully in that order), you tend to forgive fairly easily. However, in the end, they failed to do so and each of the races had lost something important to them. The Nekomimis had lost their God-Empress, the Not!Zerg lost their hivemind and the four-armed pricks lost their Elder Council. As such, the surviving leadership decided to gtfo out of the system, collected as many vessels, orbital station/shipyard and bioships to form a giant nomad fleet to escape the Walking-Deadicus system. So now they wander the stars in hopes of one day that they can find a place where they can finally call home (and not have to kill each other on). Oh, and sometimes there is a super zombie death plague that breaks out on a ship, forcing them to either kill or leave said ship so they tend to be hated in the same way Quarians are for leaving zombie death ships all over the place and "forgetting" their criminals on worlds. [/hider] So, [@Lauder][@Hael], is this an acceptable lost-empire to play as?