[h2]Izisviel von Einzbern[/h2] Hefting the enormous slab of stone over her shoulder like it wasn't several times her own weight, Izisviel set about introducing Saber to the only four people she needed to know about for this war whilst heading to the currently sparsely-furnished living room to actually discuss the War. "I am Izisviel von Einzbern, and the fifth Einzbern to enter into a Grail War, with a proxy working for us on the other occasion," she said, scowling at the mention of a proxy. Hadn't that worked out so well? She'd not been able to fight for the Grail's survival without hearing about how much he managed to destroy by chance, "The small maid is Lotus, the tall one is Cinquefoil, and the last is Hydrangea. I doubt that she will warm to you in the short duration of the war, so don't expect her to say much." The white-haired homunculus availed herself of part of the cushioned sofa that had been part of the basic furnishings acquired, and after Saber had picked her own place, asked "Saber, how do you prefer to fight?" Obviously, she wasn't after Saber's choice of weapon... [hr] [h2]Archer[/h2] "Whatever a beauty such as yourself needs," Archer stated, grinning and dismissing the bow to free their hands before scooping up the Japanese girl and holding her close to a lightly armoured chest, then... standing around waiting to be given directions. There were better places to get acquainted than in the middle of a forest, though Archer found such a location perfectly suitable for meeting new people, but... they didn't yet know the way out.