[h2]Saber[/h2] The short, dark-haired young woman nodded quietly in acknowledgement to each of the maids as they were introduced. Excellent, her Master possessed a full set of Servants for care of the home. Saber herself had some capabilities in this respect, but was not entirely keen on spending her summoning on home care. As such, the existence of maidservants was quite pleasing for the warrior girl, to say the least. Quietly, she proceeded after her Master, and when the white-haired girl sat on the couch, Saber went down on her knees, hands placed lightly on her lap as she sat back in this position. She was prepared to receive orders and make explanations, as of now. "Einzbern-sama," she began, "My preference in battle is for honorable combat against a single foe. However, this is limited only to foes who are deserving of such consideration. I will swiftly eliminate those who perform actions that cannot be thought of as anything but evil without mercy." Saber's gaze shifted slightly upwards, towards the pale figure on the couch. "And it cannot be said that I falter in full-blown warfare."