Soi was disappointing by what Popo said. no doubt this meant kami was gone and because of so he would have to train without him. Regardless she would be more worried about what the strange genie was thinking, as he must have been driving himself insane the whole time alone. Unfortunately she was not able to worry to much about this for too long as popo's words struck him as one of the people they left alone having reencountered some evil force, but her fears where worsened as she watched Zufuzo land before them. Quickly she prepared to strike him but was out sped and from what she could tell, out matched in strength by the clown. Though taken back by his eminence power she shook it off quickly to help him. Simultaneously she withdrew the Bansho fan, and flew towards the enemy, all the while blasting a blast from her eyes, one that was invisible. "Mister popo, would you be curtious enough to bring the mummy into the lookout? I believe we have a few things to take care of here"