[center][img]http://i.annihil.us/u/prod/marvel/i/content/st/14343header_banner6907688.png[/img][/center] [hr] [right][b]Gamma Base, Unknown Location. 1200HRS Local Time.[/b] [sub]Time since last reversion: 4 Days.[/sub][/right] Ross steadied his uniform as he stood on front of the camera, this was after all going to be sent to the President. If he approved of the video, and was still fine with the project this would be sent out to Luthor, Stark, Richards and their other [i]allies[/i] before being sent out to the general public. The American people had to know that the US Government was taking these super powered threats seriously, and that they were working on a plan to capture and contain anyone that got out of hand. Even Superman. He had once thought that the Hulk was his way of dealing with these threats, but not only did the Hulk seem reluctant but Banner was even less co-operative than the green goliath. Though the whole experience did give him two things, it gave him Stern and it gave him Blonsky. He had been reluctant at first, though once he got his mind seemed to sort itself out after the shock of what happened he had finally got his priorities straight again. He stood ready to make a dramatic entrance.[color=ed1c24] "My fellow Americans-"[/color] Always a good one to start with. "[color=ed1c24]-In recent years, as you know there has been an influx in super powered people making an impact on our society. Mutants, aliens, experiments, robots. These are all threats, working independent of your government with the capability to turn their talents to taking over our fair country at any moment. This was until now, let me present to you-"[/color] He stood to the side slightly to allow the [color=ed1c24]"-Major Emil Blonsky"[/color] [hider=Image] [center][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/hulksmash/images/7/72/Abomination.png/revision/latest?cb=20150309003330[/img][/center][/hider] Walking into the room Blonsky put on the best smile he could in his current state, Ross bought it.[color=ed1c24] "He is the first Hulkbuster in the service of the U.S Military who is enhanced, fully trained and under the control of the United States government. He has already proven himself succesful in the capture of the fugitive Bruce Banner, also known as the Hulk who is now safely resting in a cell out of harms way. Now I'm sure [sub]you have[/sub] [sub][sub]a lot of[/sub][/sub] [sub][sub][sub]of questions...[/sub][/sub][/sub]"[/color] [hr] Hulk strained as an electric shock caused his entire body to convulse, pulling on the nodes that held onto his limbs. Though still they didn't budge. The longer the shock went on, the angrier he became. The angrier he became, the harder he pulled. Till he pulled down hard and the nodes broke. Had Banner been in charge he would have noticed that someone else had shut them down allowing him to break free. Though Hulk didn't care, Hulk just wanted out. Breaking into a run he crashed through the wall shaking the entire base. In a long corridor he didn't take the time to look where he was going and just began to run. Already the lights hard turned to a deep red and an alarm had began to blare, someone spoke over the alarms. Hulk didn't care what they were saying, he just wanted to get out. Ross never left him alone, he'd have to find somewhere new. He wouldn't let Banner have any say in it. Banner always ended up getting him in trouble, always stopped him too. Why did nobody ever learn? He turned a corner and there were soldiers there, aiming their guns at him and firing. The bullet casings just bounced off his thick skin swinging his arms around on-front of himself he clapped so hard that it created a shockwave that destabilized the footing of the soldiers. Capitalizing on that (not that Hulk considered using the phrase) Hulk sprinted past them shoulder first into a wall hard enough to burst through into daylight. Though he found himself in the air, unable to correct himself mid-flight he took a dive into the dirt making a small crater and taking a mouth full of dirt and sand. Turning around he saw that whatever the base was that it was built within a hoodoo, likely near the original gamma site. He growled slightly, no matter how much he tried he just couldn't get away. [hr] Alarms blared and the base shook as Ross cut the recording and ran over to his desk, pulling the phone of the hook he practically barked into the receiver. [color=ed1c24]"What the hell's going on?"[/color] "The Hulk sir, he's loose. He's trying to make his way out of the base." There was another thunderous sound, followed by a large bang and the entire base shaking. "He's out sir!" Ross just turned to Blonsky, putting the phone down. [color=ed1c24]"Go do your job."[/color] Samuel Sterns, standing in the back of the room behind Blonsky had to work hard to hide his smile. Everything was going according to plan.