[h2]Fio Mal-Rai[/h2] Not swift...? "... So... what, you're like a... 'power' Lancer rather then a 'speed' Lancer?" Fio questioned, raising an eyebrow. That wasn't what she expected, but that didn't mean that she was disappointed. After all, a powerful Servant was a powerful Servant regardless of what their specialization is. However, the other matter at hand, well... what, did Lancer thing that she wasn't going to plan anything out? Really now. Of course she figured things out before hand. Of course she wasn't just going to go blindly rushing in. One of the reasons she was so confident was entirely because she knew how to plan things out. After all, she was a Magus Hunter. Someone who did that sort of thing didn't get very far without knowing what they were doing, now, did they? "Lancer, Lancer, it's like you don't think I'm gonna plan or anything," Fio continued, waving her hand. Really now... "The whole idea is to see what everyone else is doing and [i]then[/i] wipe them out! I'm a magus hunter, not some stupid thug who blindly charges in." She jerked a thumb towards her chest. "I can back up all this confidence!"