[quote=@FantasyChic] [hider=Wisp] [CENTER][hr][hr][h3][color=B31E3B] W I S P[/color][/h3][hr][hr][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://sm-images-cdn.suburbanmen.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/irish-redheads-20150317-featured-696x348.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [center][sub][color=B31E3B]"Where there's smoke....there's fire!"[/color][/sub][/center] [B][color=B31E3B]| NAME(S): |[/color][/B] [INDENT]Anastasia Noelle Valentine​[/INDENT] [B][color=B31E3B]| NICKNAME(S): |[/color][/B] [INDENT]Ana to her friends. That's a very select few.[/INDENT] [B][color=B31E3B]| ALIAS(ES): |[/color][/B] [INDENT]Wisp​[/INDENT] [B][color=B31E3B]| D.O.B.: |[/color][/B] [INDENT]September 10, 1994[/INDENT] [B][color=B31E3B]| AGE: |[/color][/B] [INDENT]22[/INDENT] [B][color=B31E3B]| SEX: |[/color][/B] [INDENT]Female​[/INDENT] [B][color=B31E3B]| SEXUALITY: |[/color][/B] [INDENT]Heterosexual[/INDENT] [B][color=B31E3B]| APPEARANCE: |[/color][/B] [INDENT]Anastasia stands at 5'7'' and weighs 125 lbs. She has pale white skin and long, red hair that falls to the middle of her back. Her eyes are light blue. She has light freckles on her face under her eyes and on her cheeks. She has a curvy frame with an average build. She is a C-cup. She has two tattoos: one is a [url=http://www.cuded.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/3-Flower-Tattoo-Designs-For-Women.jpg]Rose Pattern[/url] on her left side and the other is [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5c/d4/85/5cd485009dbad249cc089a16bb8ab971.jpg]A Tribal Rose[/url] design on her right upper thigh.​ Her traditional clothing choices could be classified as "biker chic". She likes wearing leather and jeans. She owns a pair of awesome [url=http://www.new-daily-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/leather-boots-for-women-2.jpg]leather heeled boots[/url]. She has been known to be "girly" occasionally, but doesn't do it often. She likes showing skin, especially so people can see her tattoos.[/INDENT] [B][color=B31E3B]| ABILITIES/SKILLS: |[/color][/B] [INDENT][b][color=BB3D56]Abilities:[/color][/b][list] [*]Smoke Manipulation: Anastasia is able to form, shape, and move smoke. The smoke is formed from her hands, it is dark gray in color, and she is able to move it at will in any direction. She is also able to dissipate smoke from other sources (ex: fire). [*]Smoke Mimicry: Anastasia is able to take on the form of smoke at her will. During this, her body disappears in a form of light gray smoke. This is useful in avoiding damage from attacks and she is able to move around in this form, so she is able to get in to places that would be inaccessible to her. [*]Smoke Absorption: Anastasia is able to absorb smoke in order to heal herself.[/list][/INDENT] [INDENT][b][color=BB3D56]Weaknesses:[/color][/b][list] [*]Air Manipulation: Anyone with the ability to manipulate air poses a real threat to Anastasia as her powers need air to work. This person could control her if she were to use her smoke form and could manipulate her own smoke for their purpose. [*]Poison Smoke: Due to the nature of her powers, Anastasia is even more susceptible to poison smoke than the average person. Even the less deadly of poison smoke could prove fatal to her if absorbed.[/list][/INDENT] [INDENT][b][color=BB3D56]Skills:[/color][/b][list] [*]Mixologist: Anastasia works full-time as a bartender and is very skilled at pouring drinks and mixing different liquors and liquids to form interesting cocktails. She would also say she is skilled at drinking. [*]Artist: When not working in her bar or smoking on her balcony, Anastasia enjoys sketching and drawing. She has multiple sketchpads full of different designs and pieces (her tattoos are by her own design), but she never does anything with them, despite her friends pushing her to. She enjoys it as a hobby meant to relax her. [*]Hand-to-Hand Combat: Being a young woman in the city, it is very important to be able to defend yourself. Anastasia has taken some self-defense classes and fighting classes. Also helping to run a bar, you need to know how to handle drunk, out of control patrons when they won't listen to a kind word. [*]Street Smart: Though she is not an idiot in academic terms, Anastasia is very knowledgeable on how the streets work, especially in her neighborhood. The local gangs, the crime lords, the corrupt, the good, and the bad, she knows her city well. [*]Way With Kids: Despite her tough exterior and her crass, Anastasia has a soft spot for kids and is able to talk to them, understand them, and calm them down. She will never admit it if asked, so don't bother.[/list][/INDENT] [B][color=B31E3B]| BACKSTORY: |[/color][/B] [INDENT]Heather and Peter Valentine didn't know they had given birth to a handful when Anastasia was brought into the world. A young, spitfire since her first words and steps, Anastasia wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty. Unlike her older sister, Anastasia was a tomboy who didn't enjoy being cooped up in home. She liked getting into fights (she never backed down from one, but never started them), she talked back to teachers (only when they deserved it for being stupid), and she hung out with some pretty bad kids (the kids that everyone assumed was doing drugs and tagging buildings, despite no proof). She didn't care about what others said and thought about her. Despite some hard knocks, Anastasia graduated high school and said goodbye to her suburban home and moved to Larissa, a city she only heard in passing. Her sister had moved their prior with her husband and Anastasia hopes to leech on to her sister. To make ends meet she took on a job as a waitress in a crummy restaurant, and was thankful that after 2 years of serving, she met Damien who freed her from those shackles and offered her an opportunity to help him run a bar. The two shook hands and spent all their savings, invested time and funds, and took on loans to get it started. Finally, their bar, The Silver Knot, was born. While it started off slow, eventually they made a name for themselves and started turning a profit. During this time, Anastasia met Vincent. He was dark, handsome, and had a daredevil past that impressed Anastasia. Despite warnings from Damien and her other friends, Anastasia continued to see Vincent romantically. What started off as a good relationship slowly turned sour as Vincent became more demanding, irritable, and more violent. This was a new situation for Anastasia. As someone who didn't back down from a fight with others, she was in a situation she didn't expect. Her love for Vincent matched only by her fear of him. He ruled over her with an iron fist, deciding when she was able to go out, demanding favors from her, and abusing her mentally and physically. It became a dreary existence for Anastasia. While no one could call her happy-go-lucky before, she began to appear more depressed. Damien took notice of this and confronted Anastasia. She lashed out at him, telling him it was her business. Damien continued to persist and eventually Anastasia broke down. She told Damien everything and Damien got to work. He told Anastasia to stay at his apartment tonight, but Vincent wouldn't have it. He showed up at the bar and demanded to know why she wasn't home yet. Damien stood up to the bad boy and the two fought. The police showed up (after Damien called them) and they arrested both of the men. Anastasia was called in to give her report of the events and, after putting a brave face on, she told them all about Vincent and what he did to her. They released Damien and Vincent was sentenced to jail time. Before he went away, he issued a warning to Anastasia, "I won't be in long. I'm coming for you." Anastasia hasn't heard from him since, but her experiences has soured her outlook on life. Anastasia has tried to make life as normal as possible, continuing to work, hang out with her friends, date some more, but Vincent has left a permanent mark on her. Shortly after these events is when Anastasia discovered her unique abilities while she was smoking. She played around with it and discovered she was able to move her smoke at will. She made sure she was alone before she tried out more tricks. Slowly, she discovered she was able to produce smoke, form it, move it, and even transform into it. She was terrified at first, but the sensation of being able to do something a normal person couldn't overwhelmed her. It was something new, it was something dangerous if people found out. Anastasia heard of the Mavericks before, but she didn't consider herself to be one. She wasn't a hero, she was just a normal person living in the city, going about her life. Maybe a call to action is in order for her to truly see what she is capable of.[/INDENT] [B][color=B31E3B]| MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: |[/color][/B] [INDENT]Anastasia is just trying to get through the day to day struggles of living in the city. She doesn't consider herself a hero or a villain, but that doesn't mean she won't stand for injustice when she sees it. She lives by her own set of morals that may or may not adhere to what the authority figures in Larissa may think, but she doesn't go out of her way to break the law or to cause chaos. If someone needs to be taken down a peg, she isn't afraid to be the one to do it. Life is about the journey, not the destination. In this, Anastasia bases her life around that motto. Willing to try many new things, potentially dangerous things. She isn't afraid of risks, especially if the reward is great. She doesn't do it recklessly though, because she knows she has people that need her, whether she likes that or not.[/INDENT] [B][color=B31E3B]| SUPPORTING CAST: |[/color][/B] [INDENT][list] [*]Reagan Allister née Valentine (Sister): Anastasia's older sister and her only family that she talks to. Reagan is a principal at an elementary school and a mother of two children. She lost her husband in a car accident and is supporting her kids as best she can. Reagan loves her sister, but worries about her lifestyle choices and the danger she chooses to place herself in. She doesn't know about her sister's powers. [*]Lillian and Corbin Allister (Niece and Nephew): Anastasia's 7-year-old niece and 5-year-old nephew respectively. Two smart kids who go to the school their mother is principal of. Lillian looks up to Anastasia, despite her mother's intentions, and wants to be like her when she gets older. Corbin enjoys sports and Lillian likes ballet. [*]Damien Courtwright: Anastasia's closest friend and co-owner of the bar they both run. He is a 32-year-old laid back guy who has a knack for numbers (thus why he is in charge of the bar's paperwork). He is pretty chill about a lot of things and doesn't let stress get the better of him. He usually lets Anastasia handle the messy stuff in the bar. He is an avid lover of video games. [*]Jennifer Yvers: Anastasia's friend and regular at the bar. She is a 25-year-old owner of her own tattoo parlor (where Anastasia got inked) and is the guiding force in trying to get Anastasia to pursue her artwork. She is a headstrong individual who is not afraid to take risks. She has a crush on Damien. [*]Vincent Starver: Anastasia's ex-boyfriend. A 29-year-old dickhead (Anastasia's own words) who was abusive and dominating of their relationship. During their relationship he has tried to control and change Anastasia to his personal wishes, but a single smack to her face caused the downfall of their continuing relationship. Anastasia called the police on him and he was taken away. He was locked up for a bit, but was released. Anastasia hasn't heard from him since.[/list][/INDENT] [B][color=B31E3B]| REFERENCE POST(S): |[/color][/B] [INDENT][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/92696-the-uncanny-x-men-the-next-evolution/ic]Link 1[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/93141-the-spirits-within-oakridge-chronicles/ic]Link 2[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/92110-incarceron-the-tales-of-new-ancora/ic]Link 3[/url][/INDENT] [B][color=B31E3B]| NOTES: |[/color][/B] [INDENT][list] [*]Anastasia is a smoker (shocker!). [*]Anastasia doesn't talk to her parents much, but she doesn't hate them. She just wants them to respect her decisions and her choices. [*]Despite being pretty smart, Anastasia didn't get good grades in school because she just didn't care enough. She did graduate, but never thought about attending college because she considered it a waste of time and money. [*]Anastasia has a teddy bear she keeps in her bedroom that only a small number of people know about. It was given to her by her father when she was 8 years old. [*]Anastasia's favorite color is scarlet. [*]Anastasia's favorite food is caramel popcorn. [*]Anastasia's favorite drink is a Mudslide. [*]Though she only recently discovered her powers, she doesn't quite know when she had them. She strongly believes she may have had them when she was younger and just didn't ever know it. [*]Anastasia loves dogs and wants to adopt one when she can afford to. [*]Some of her friends have told her she should get with Damien, who may or may not like her, but she knows her friend Jennifer likes him and won't get in the way of that. [*]Anastasia secretly likes pop music and current hits, but covers it up by listening to rock and country. [*]Anastasia got mugged once in the city. The last time someone tried, they ended up with a broken rib.[/list][/INDENT] [hider=WIP]This is a Character Driven RP, and as such you are encouraged and expected to take charge of your character's sub-plots and storylines. [b]This is a favourite rule of mine[/b], and that said, there will be a heavy emphasis on collaborative activities and team building as well. The GMs will be leading the RP in the traditional sense with a driving plot and will ensure the RP keeps moving however we do want to see you develop your characters and produce your own plots. However we don't want to see you lock your character out of interaction and focus solely on your character and their 'world'. No one enjoys watching you play with yourself, it's always better to let someone else join in on the fun.[/hider][/hider] [/quote] [@Lord Wraith] Here you go bud.