From the interest check thread: [quote=@DarkwolfX37] Having read the opening post now and seeing the ranks, would Zadkiel have been a regular archangel or a different rank? And just to be sure, is it possible, for a human to have an alignment other than neutral? I might make a human with a light alignment if I can. I'm also surprised that Amaterasu is the leader of the japanese pantheon and not Izanagi. [/quote] Archangel is only the second lowest rank, and any angel with some kind of achievement would qualify as an archangel. An important angel like Zadkiel would be a cherub, or at the very least an ophan. Yes, humans can have any of the alignments. I'll make that clearer in the first post. In standard Shinto setups, Amaterasu is usually the leader of the Japanese gods, so that's what I'm going with. Izanagi likely had "retired" from the leadership role and now mostly fulfills advisory functions, I'd presume. EDIT: Clarified that not all demons have to be "evil". The description of the Dark alignment alone implies that already, but better safe than sorry.