[center][color=cadetblue][h3][i][u][b]Uriel Cabaluna[/b][/u][/i][/h3][/color][/center] [@Bourgeoisie] [color=cadetblue] "Lancer... Precaution is all that I have with the mediocracy of my skills, should one of those other masters decide to show up out of the blue and in the scenario that you are preoccupied, these things that I have set up will save my life. I have few skills which can be applied in the moment, but what I can do is prepare defenses that will be of use when the time comes. It is not an honorable way of fighting but the weak must fight in their own way, this is what I do best with my skills. So while I do what I do best, you should do what you should do best."[/color] He said with a sigh, admitting that his skill level as a Master was perhaps painfully low than what he was expecting among the other contestants in the Grail War ahead of him. Making it a mental note to stop by the art shop and stock with some chalk and paint whenever he went. There was also the thought of his impression on his servant which so far wasn't starting off so well but hopefully, it would be as smooth as it can be between the two as possible. [color=cadetblue]"I do however note that you are correct on paranoia can be a setback but I assure you that I only set up the needed precautions for what the situation calls for. In this case, should the summoning that I had went wrong even what I had set up would do me little good. Either way, if you do feel that I am indeed overdoing it just mention it."[/color] Nonchalantly speaking to Lancer as he tapped his fingers repeated against the wall which he was leaning on... Talking to a heroic spirit from millenniums ago was as expected awkward and weird with little he could do in socialize with the warrior. Racking his head for any ideas before the base dropped. [color=cadetblue]"Would you like to see the city Lancer, to familiarize yourself? I think you would be impressed with what we have instead of chariots pulled by horses. Although you also might need an extra change of clothes for blending in with dress code of this time period."[/color] Uriel said with a tad of a smirk, wondering if the Heroic spirit would have any interest in exploring the new world both technologically and materialistically. Tossing out another option for Lancer if he did want to go [color=cadetblue]"If you do, would you prefer taking the route through the forest or the catacombs underneath the city? Either one is fine with me although we should explore the underground maze soon."[/color]