[center][h1][color=aba000]Lancer[/color][/h1][/center] [@Pie Flavor] [color=aba000]"Give yourself credit mage, you didn't do to bad if you summoned me with the stats I have."[/color] Lancer replied to his master, before reaching out and patting his masters shoulders. [color=aba000]"As well, do not worry yourself on honor too much. There are other ways to be good without being honorable,"[/color] Lancer paused, and shook his head while smiling broadly at the boy, [color=aba000]"I never understood you magic users, but you? You have a good head on your shoulders, and you've summoned a legend of the past on your own merits. Come on, chest out, head high."[/color] Lancer finished, softly pounding the man on his back. Lancer mused at the man's insecurities, which reminded him of his own childhood, when his father was killed and forsaken. Walking a bit in front of his master, Lancer paused before spinning around on the heel of his sandal. [color=aba000]"Mage,"[/color] Lancer began still sporting his grin, now a bit melancholic, [color=aba000]"If their's one thing I've learned. If you commit to a fray, join in whole-heartedly, trust yourself and fate to guide you through. If not, then fear conquers, and no matter how many contingencies, no matter how skilled you are, you will fall." [/color] Stopping himself, Lancer mused over the man's choices. Both were good options, but Lancer thought of a better one. [color=aba000]"The forest I think, but, I'll follow you in spirit form, give you some breathing room prana wise, and no one will see into our little illusion we call the Grail War." [/color]