[h2][color=orchid]| The Betrothed |[/color][/h2] [hider=Carisa][img]http://i.imgur.com/QKb9ga8.jpg[/img][/hider] [b][color=orchid][NAME][/color][/b] [indent]Carisa[/indent] [b][color=orchid][ORIGIN][/color][/b] [indent]Xelfiria[/indent] [b][color=orchid][AGE][/color][/b] [indent]Barely In The Twenties[/indent] [b][color=orchid][APPEARANCE][/color][/b] [indent]Carisa certainly did her home proud just from a passing glance. Though average in height, she is extraordinary elsewhere, namely in her alabaster skin with nary a blemish and a fair maiden's dimple when she smiles. There's a symmetry to her angular face with her eyebrows a bit on the bushy side and a small nose with a downward point to the tip. Her build is rather lithe with muscles not readily visible but a body that shows both the signs of conditioning and laze. No one would confuse her for one that lived in a hedonistic opulence, but they would be correct in assuming that some of her time was spent not on improving her body but on enjoying the pleasures of being waited upon. Carisa's hair was once a fine thing, straight and lustrous with a hue that rivaled the golden fields of wheat, though it maintains its length, the color is more ghostly than golden, with long strands that often cover her right eye, which shines with a sapphire blue gaze matched in her left. Surely Carisa was at once considered a conventional beauty by any standards, which of course made her a perfect candidate in the great game that was political intrigue and machinations. Is it thus any wonder why she did not keep up with more physical pursuits?[/indent] [b][color=orchid][PERSONALITY][/color][/b] [indent]To those that mattered, Carisa was the ideal sort for those in higher positions. She spoke with regal inflections to her voice, never slouched her shoulders, and was in many regards a proper lady for those who sought not a loving wife but an arm piece to boast about. Carisa knew the score. She knew how to sell herself, to make herself stand out amongst the others all vying for the position of power and a loveless marriage. But that was never truly Carisa. Carisa, when not under the scrutiny and maintaining the best of appearances, had something of a puckish way about her, from her often colorful language to her rather unladylike habits, least of all knowing the appeal of a solid belch after a mug of the finest swill. That's not to say that Carisa was all laughs and bodily functions, though she was that in spades, she was something of a story teller, regaling peers and suitors alike (albeit with wildly different tales for each) with highly embellished narratives that were sprinkled with just enough vagueness to sound legitimate. But the problem with a silver tongue is that eventually someone is going to want to cut it from the mouth. Carisa has lost more than her memories, and one would only need to look into her mouth for proof of that. Though silent, her roguish ways linger, wrapped up nicely in someone who still appears to come from a regal background.[/indent] [b][color=orchid][SKILLS & TALENTS][/color][/b] [indent][b]Silence[/b] - Not just in the terms of the voice. Carisa's footsteps are light enough to make her both swift on her feet and skilled at sneaking about. There was always a second purpose to her grooming for marriage, and being silent was needed when the matter came to discretion. [b]Agile Combatant[/b] - While not gifted with more heavier forms of engagement nor the ranged sort, Carisa knows her way around lighter, dagger-like weaponry. Hers may not come with the powerful cleaves or hidden snipes, but a blade slipped between the spine or ribs hurts all the same. All those lessons in dance were not just about learning how to waltz after all, and when she is in motion it is rather graceful like any good dance. [b]Housekeeping[/b] - Perhaps no longer useful in these strange, dangerous times, but there was once a point where Carisa knew how best to prepare a slab of meat or the way to cut ingredients thin enough to retain flavor. What need would people used to being waited on have for someone who couldn't prepare a simple meal?[/indent] [b][color=orchid][INVENTORY][/color][/b] [indent][b]Twinblades, Minus One[/b] - Thin blades wielded in both hands; her left hand is her dominant one and so gets the sturdier weapon. The right blade has broken and the left blade is no longer as sharp as it once was, but the finely crafted blades bring a certain comfort. [b]Silver Ring[/b] - It is fortunate that some mischievous sort never got the bright idea to steal the ring by removing the finger from Carisa's hand. It's no longer as shiny as it was and the promise it once held can never be upheld, but Carisa is still glad to have it. [b]Leather Armor[/b] - Befitting one who stole not gold and jewels but something just as precious. The leather has been worn by time, frayed, its color dulled and dirtied, and the boots missing, it's not something that will protect from blades or even sharp teeth, but for someone who prefers avoiding to standing ground perhaps it is sufficient.[/indent] [b][color=orchid][GIFT OF REBIRTH][/color][/b] [indent][b]Shadowstep[/b] - A life of nimble, graceful steps has worked out rather nicely. Carisa isn't exactly sure what happens, but when staring down someone with clear ill intent, their blade or strike might sometimes hit nothing but air despite them seeing a rather clear image of Carisa herself. But by the time the deception is realized, a sharp pain is in their back. A step behind them so quick that it creates the illusion of Carisa still being right in front of them.[/indent]