[@Shiny Keldeo] [h3] [color=ed1c24]Drogo the Salamence[/color] [/h3] [H3]Infinity Mountain[/h3] That voice rung in his head, ordering him to go to the peak. He wasn't exactly sure on what was happening but he was compelled to actually follow that order. Well, he did decide to clear some dungeons so why not start now. Infinity Mountain was one of the harder dungeons he has placed himself into but nothing can stop him, not when he has a goal in mind. He flew quickly through the dungeon, often using flamethrower to scare off or make other pokemon faint. He was almost through with the dungeon when the voice said something again. One hour? Ha! He would still have spare time once he gets there. This was perfect. [h3] Infinity Mountain Peak [/h3] He had arrived with time to spare. He landed on the ground and began walking, looking around and saw that some pokemon were already there. The Bisharp and Haunter at least. He then began to make his way towards them before stopping just a few feet away from the both of them. He then sat down. None of them seemed like the contractor so he should wait for that person before talking with other people. That's what he thought. He was still on high alert because of these pokemon there.