[quote=@Nemaisare] My first post is feeling exceptionally boring. Yay. But I think I'm halfway through. I'm not sure I've got a reason for him to react to David, but I'm hoping going after him immediately isn't necessary. [/quote] Nope it's not. Feel free to build to it over a couple posts. [quote=@Dirge] Fixed some things up, added a skills section and spruced up the motivation section. Let me know if there is anything else that needs to be done. [/quote] You're still missing one teeny tiny thing that would belong in your notes section. Not sure if you forgot it because it sounded like you realized what it was earlier. [quote=@knighthawk] [@Lord Wraith] Is there an appeal process to fix what is wrong? [/quote] Unfortunately as I stated before in order to stick within the original amount of slots that the RP is tailored for, not everyone was going to make it through the character reviews. As much as I liked the concept of your character, the spelling, punctuation and grammatical error were too numerous to over look in your CS. Furthermore they were consistent in your provided sample. I do thank you both for applying and for your patience but I'm afraid we do have to stay firm on that declination.