[quote=@Gunther] Submitted for your review... [hider=Gunnar Fisker][h3][B]Name: [color=00aeef]Gunnar Fisker[/color][/B][/h3] [B]Alias or Nickname:[/B] [color=00aeef]Fiske[/color] (Pron: Fee' - skah & translates: Fish) [B][color=00aeef]Age:[/color][/B] 50 [B][color=00aeef]Gender:[/color][/B] Male [h3][B][color=00aeef]Appearance:[/COLOR][/B][/h3] Gunnar Fisker stands 6' 4" tall and weighs 220 Lbs. He has long bleached blonde dyed hair with gray and dark roots, blue eyes and a neatly trimmed beard and mustache. The facial hair is mostly gray with a few dark hairs mixed in. His hair is neatly secured behind his head in a ponytail at the nape of the neck. Occasionally, his hair is braided. His musculature is very well defined with very broad shoulders. His left eye is missing and a white polished marble is in the socket in its place. Occasionally he wears an eye patch over the left eye. Gunnar wears a small leather necklace containing a small steel "Hammer" amulet around his neck. It is in reverence to [i]Donar[/i], the traditional Hyperborean God of Thunder. Gunnar is not a handsome man and has never taken a wife. He has an oval shaped ruddy face, weathered from years of a hard Northman's life. A visible scar begins on his forehead at the hairline above his left eye and continues across his left cheek to the jaw-line. The scar interrupts his beard in a vertical line. [hider=Gunnar Fisker][img]http://i.imgur.com/uAuzBcW.png[/img][/hider] [B][color=00aeef]Personality:[/color][/B] Gunnar is slightly sociopathic, in that he has no concern for others. He cares about his "family" and the people of his adopted community of Trelleborg, along the northern Borean coast. He has no feelings whatsoever for anyone outside this community. He feels no remorse for bringing harm upon someone else's son, in a faraway land. He is focused at his trade and not easily distracted. He is generally quiet and reserved. [B][COLOR=00aeef]History:[/COLOR][/B] Gunnar was born in a small fishing village along the southern coast of Hyperborea. His father was a ship builder and fisherman and his father's father was a ship builder and fisherman. Both men enjoyed the social status of Jarl in the community. He is a master with the spear as well as a net in retrieving bushels of fish each day. But above all, Gunnar, his father and his father's father are fierce Northern warriors. Gunnar enjoys the company of several sturdy young lads who assist in plying the trade of shipbuilding and fishing. Gunnar rewards them handsomely for their work and treats them with the same respect one bestows upon his brother. Gunnar learned from his father and grandfather to build longships for fishing, merchants and raiding. He and his "brothers" cut the wood for the vessels as well as milling and planing the timbers. When the family was young, Gunnar's parents moved the family to Northern Borea along the coast. A group of Northmen established a colony there, which they defend vigorously. When his father passed away, Gunnar inherited his land of some 100 acres surrounding an inlet. His mother and sister live with him in their home. The house is a modest dwelling, yet comfortable. Several of his "brothers" have constructed homes on Gunnar's property where they live as well. They all help to maintain the property, which is less than five hundred meters from the nearest village, Trelleborg. As a member of the community, Gunnar is expected to fight for the people of his land and he is skilled with the axe, spear, short sword and long sword with and without a shield. He has participated in several raids, which is how he lost his left eye. As a result he mounted the steel plate or "spectacle" on his helm for protection against such a blow. Gunnar is noted for mastery of fishing, Excellent sailing vessel construction and ferocity in battle, even with his vision impairment. Gunnar also enjoys playing games of chance. Gunnar's father along with many others left their home in search of a new home at a time when their kinsmen abandoned the old ways in favor of the newer Dark Gods. It has saddened many in the Trelleborg village that their friends have mutated into creatures no longer recognizeable. That they have turned their backs on Alfoor, the All Father and Walhölé. Most of those [i]things[/i] remain in Hyperborea, but several have made their way into Lemuria and the northern border with Borea. The Trelleborg community remains distant and detached from those mutants, or former Hyperboreans. [B][COLOR=00aeef]Journey:[/color][/b] Gunnar seeks to see Trelleborg succeed. He wants the Northmen of his village to multiply and make their community grow. He has given up on his homeland and wants only for the survivors to replenish their ranks; avoiding contact with their home country. On the other hand, Gunnar has an unquenchable desire for plunder. It is not above the venerable Northern Warrior to take up an axe, to split skulls and grab the gold when available. But these urges are quickly stifled. It would not take much to bend his arm in favor of a raid or plundering the merchants on the Atlantean Ocean. [B][COLOR=00aeef]Ideals:[/color][/b] Gunnar wishes to continue to further the values of the traditional Hyperborean Gods. the Northmen are fierce warriors and wish only for a healthy life and the din of battle. To die by an enemy's sword is a life well spent. [B][COLOR=00aeef]Holdings:[/color][/b] Gunnar owns approximately 100 acres of land along an inlet on the northern Borean Coast. Upon this property is his longship building business, fishing enterprise and several houses owned by the young men who work with him at his trades of shipbuilding and fishing. In warmer months, Gunnar wears sun-bleached and salted gray colored Thorsberg trousers, light blue side split Kyrtle (tunic) with a black leather belt at the waist. He wears ankle high Hedeby leather shoes. The rest of the year (most of the time), Gunnar wears the same trousers, shoes and side split Kyrtle, worn as an under kyrtle with an over tunic made of quilted wool. He also wears a small brown wool skull cap and brown leather vambraces and leather & wool-lined gloves. Gunnar has both a mail coat and a leather jerkin made of Reindeer hide and reinforced with steel rivets and studs. Depending on what is happening he may choose one over the other. He has a steel conical helmet riveted together with four steel strips. At the apex of the helm is a plume of animal fur that drapes down one side or the back. It is about eight inches long. A section of mail is attached to the rear of the helm for additional protection to the back of the neck. Upon the face of the helm is mounted a steel 'spectacle' or large round holes for viewing. The spectacles offer some protection to the face. There was a time when Gunnar did not wear such an attachment. The helmet has cheek flaps attached with leather under the chin. He wears a small leather belt at the waste that cinches the tunics together. Attached to the belt are a pouch at the rear for light provisions, a small axe holder on the right, a sword's scabbard on the left side and small horizontal scabbard placed across the front of the waist to hold his sax; a small 18" short sword made of steel with a bone handle. Gunnar has a small Skeg Axe named "Lothar", several leaf edge headed spears, a double edged broad sword named "Hode-ut", the 18" Sax or short sword as mentioned above and a few steel reinforced wooden shields. All of Gunnar's shields have a steel rounded 'Boss' at the center and are painted with Red and black stripes. Gunnar owns a nine heavy horse as well, including a large 17 hands high mount named "Fyrste". His other horses are named, "Donner", "Konge", "Lyn", "Okse", "Drage", "Øgle", "Ørn" and "Per". [h3][B][COLOR=00aeef]Fiske's Brothers[/color][/b][/h3] [hider=Björn Vinter][b]Name:[/b] Björn Vinter [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Appearance:[/b] Björn is a bulk of a man with dirty long Blonde hair and a scruffy goatee, tied in a braid about 8" long beneath his chin. Small braids form a ring around the top of his head, tied neatly at the rear of his scalp. Björn's physique is best when compared to that of a bear. He stands 6'6" tall and has an imposing massive frame. His blue eyes are almost crystal clear they are so pale. [b]Equipment:[/b] Björn is armed with a spear and shields. He does have a skag axe which he uses both for cutting fish and for raiding. His armor is a studded leather jerkin with a small steel conical helm and nose strap.[/hider][hider=Holger Ǻrud][b]Name:[/b] Holger Ǻrud [b]Age:[/b] 36 [b]Appearance:[/b] Holger stands about 5'9" tall with dark Brown hair, all but shaved off his head. A slight stubble remains. His goatee is peppered with gray hair and extends off his chin in an eight inch braid. His face has several scars. [b]Equipment:[/b] Holger has a set of mail armor and a sword. He has several wooden shields at his disposal and a number of spears. He also carries a skag axe on his belt and a small conical helm with nosestrap.[/hider][hider=Arvid Robertsen][b]Name:[/b] Arvid Robertsen [b]Age:[/b] 33 [b]Appearance:[/b] Arvid stands 6' tall with blue eyes and long Blonde hair kept neatly braided in back. The man is fairly thin, but a quick runner. He shaves his face every few days; prefering a clean shaven face over a beard. [b]Equipment:[/b] Arvid has a leather jerkin and a mail coif with steel conical helm and spectacles. Arvid uses an oversized double headed battle axe and a smaller skeg axe as well as several wooden shields.[/hider][hider=Randel Hummel][b]Name:[/b] Randel Hummel [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Appearance:[/b] Randel stands 5'11" tall with shoulder length Blonde hair and a full beard. He shaves his head about three inches above and behind his ears. A single slender braid of blonde hair hangs down the right side of his face. He has several swirling tattoos decorating the exposed portions of his face. His body is stalwart and muscular from years of hard work. [b]Equipment:[/b] Randel uses a studded leather armor with spiked leather vambraces. He prefers to fight with no helmet on his head. Randel has a sword and several shields including a skag axe.[/hider][hider=Sigurd Björk][b]Name:[/b] Sigurd Björk [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Appearance:[/b] "Siggy" stands 6' 4" tall and has brightly colored Red hair that cascades down his back. He is a bulk of a young man with a barrel for a chest. His beard has not yet grown in yet, with sparse red fuzz growing on his face. [b]Equipment:[/b] "Siggy" does have a leather jerkin, but prefers to fight bare-chested with no helmet on his head. He charges into a fight with fire in his eyes--a Fury! armed with a 6' hammer and no shield. He also carries a skag axe.[/hider][hider=Olaf Grahn][b]Name:[/b] Olaf Grahn [b]Age:[/b] 37 [b]Appearance:[/b] Olaf stands 5'9" tall with a bald head and brown eyes. His beard is slight, more of a chin strap colored Brown. His body is lithe and muscular. He is quick on his feet and can move with stealth. He also has several tattoos coating his face and chest. [b]Equipment:[/b] Olaf has a leather jerkin, but prefers to fight bare-chested. He has several spears and shields. He also carries a skag axe.[/hider][hider=Ingemar Poulsen][b]Name:[/b] Ingemar Poulsen [b]Age:[/b] 36 [b]Appearance:[/b] Ingemar stands 6'3" tall and wears his long Blonde hair in two adjacent braided pony tails. Scars pock his face, scars from many battles. His left hand is missing the two smaller fingers and his left eye is replaced with a patch. Ingemar's build is muscular but average. [b]Equipment:[/b] Ingemar has a mail coat and a leather jerkin. He also has a steel conical helm with nose strap. He carries a sword, several shields and a skag axe.[/hider][hider=Gustav Wolff][b]Name:[/b] Gustav Wolff [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Appearance:[/b] Gustav stands 6' 2" tall with long flowing almost white, Blonde hair and blue eyes. Gustav prefers his hair loose and splayed across his bare back, but will braid it for a raid. He has decorative tattoos creating sleeves up and down both arms. They are mostly swirls and shapes. [b]Equipment:[/b] He wears a studded leather jerkin and studded leather vambraces. He also wears a steel conical helm with nose strap. He has a large single headed battle axe, several spears, and shields. He also carries a skag axe.[/hider][/hider] I have begun work on a pantheon of Hyperborean Gods. It is based on Norse Mythology. I have taken the traditional Norse God names, researched the etymological origins, changed a letter or two and created the Hyperborean Name. :D It remains a work in progress. [/quote] Okie dokie, here are my notes. [hider=Notes] First thing is just a nitpick: I really don't want photos on the CS. This is for a stylistic reason, to keep it in line with the pulp fantasy that inspired much of this RP. I would like if you expounded upon his personality some. I don't really get a feel for his motivations or character with what you currently have, beyond "he's quiet" and "he only cares about his family." There is something very odd about how the history section is written out. It feels... meandering. You seem to jump from subject to subject quite frequently, usually from something important to his backstory, to something currently relevant to him (changing tense mid-paragraph), to something trivial, and back again. I mean, it's all there, so I have nothing to complain about in that regard, but it's just laid out very strangely to me. My biggest criticism is that Fiske is not a big enough fish in his pond (pun unintended). As it stands, he's the patriarch of a small enclave of Northmen; not exactly a figure of wide renown. The first suggestion for improving this would be to expand his influence and goals considerably. Have him as the Jarl of a small city-state rather than a small fishing village. Perhaps Trelleborg is meant to be a haven against the mutants and barbarians that plague the north. Perhaps he means to return purity to the Hyperborean warrior tradition by purging followers of the Dark Gods. I leave the specifics up to you, but his scope needs to be increased by an order of magnitude, and his personality and motivations likely need to be amended to accommodate this. Ideals are the part of the CS most people misunderstand. My fault, mostly. It's generally for concepts that the character embodies symbolically. For instance, for Fiske, this could include prosperous business, martial tradition, ancestral heritage, etc. Not the most important part of the CS, but worth noting. My last note is one relative to the overall setting. Be aware that the Years of Dusk were almost a complete societal collapse. Mercantilism has been hit pretty hard by the collapse of infrastructure. As such, a luxury business such as shipbuilding would have very few clients; really only those petty rulers within Borea that have need of and coin for ships, and perhaps a prosperous fishing village here and there. Piracy is also not as prosperous as it once was, as trade on the seas has suffered for lack of trade companies left after the Years of Dusk. Just worth thinking about. [/hider] [quote=@ethanjory] [@Dead Cruiser] I was looking to create a feudal lord within the Iron Kingdoms. Would it be appropriate to base him upon a German HRE prince, or would that be a bit off? I did want to have his lands situated within northern Borea. [/quote] That's workable, but do keep in mind that to be a player character in Age of Dawn, he would need to stand above his peers (in this case other feudal lords) in some capacity, to be a remarkable or renowned individual. And you're pretty much on the money regarding the HRE; Thule its prime was similar in many regards to it.