"Cross one sometime, then try to tell me people can't become trees." Cliver said as he followed Emmerling into the guild hall, figuring that this would be the only available place to find the materials the man needed. He struck by the interior of the place. It was the kind of building you hear about in stories, the forgotten manor home in the middle of the woods whose only inhabitants were the cackling witch, the grinning ghoul, or any number of haunts and monsters that would do little to deter young men looking to prove their bravery by spending a bone chilling night within. He spent a few nights in buildings that looked just like, if not worse than, this and it brought on a wave of nostalgia. Most of the time the rumors of hauntings were bunk, but sometimes you got lucky. He strolled into Lilith's room and saw her struggling with the bed. "Here, let me help. Take one side." He said, grabbing it.