[center][h2][color=silver]M-Bot Ba Dubi Dop Ba M-Bot Ba Dubi Dop[/color][/h2][/center] [center][i]"Why do you assume that everything a man does has some kind of sexual motivation behind it? Doesn't that seem like a sexist thing to assume?"[/i][/center] [center][b]What's Your 20:[/b] General Interest, I THINK. [b]||[/b] [b][color=silver]Senpai Who Noticed Me:[/color][/b] [@Kalas][/center] Guild City will be fun, they said. [color=silver]"Nope, nope, nope, nope."[/color] Volen sprinted in a panic, ignoring a sore left shoulder as the adrenaline helped to numb the pain. His escape was partly obstructed by fallen debris, a testament to the destructive power of the [s]Kore[/s] K-Bots. Years of daily urban running made it possible to overcome these obstacles. He hopped, slid, and safe-rolled as needed, putting much more effort in his escape than his enemy in its pursuit. He dared to take a glance at the advancing [s]N-word[/s] Normal Variant K-Bot, his heart nearly skipping a beat as he watched it swat away at the debris in its path. An amusing idea came to mind despite the frightening chase. He recalled the image of the vintage Philosoraptor, where the ancient bird of prey used one of its talons to stroke its chin while pondering. If this N-Variant minded the rubble, could deliberately prolonging this pursuit help clear the streets of General Interest? Volen tried to laugh, but any sound he made was drowned out by the defeaning collision of metal against concrete. The robotic whirs of the enemy were just as unsettling as it came closer. The Bot began to gain speed once the streets started to clear, and Volen was nearly out of breath. He had been running from this one Bot for five minutes now, amazed and terrified of its ability to track a target for this long. He gripped his submachine gun, dove forward and spun in mid-air to face his pursuer. He glared at the red of its eyes, aiming for the trio as he pulled the trigger. He kept firing until his back struck the ground, at which he immediately rolled to the side. He used the momentum to get back on his feet and confirm a visual. As he had hoped, at two of its optical sensors were damaged. It's single remaining eye seemed to glow brighter, as if angered. The Bot raised its front shielded arms, like a spider about to engage. Volen humored the brute, making a show of reloading his primary weapon and training it on the Bot. Still, he wasn't certain if a short trap may have registered as a threat. Then, as if amplified by built-in bullhorns, the N-Variant blasted what could only be described as a pissed off Korean denied his Ace of Angels tour. Seriously. He could have sworn he heard: "ANNYEONGHASEYYOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Volen had to cover his ears. Not that the noise overwhelmed him, but a quick assessment made him realize the true danger of this apparent war cry. If it were any other man, this would be last thing he heard before the Bot would get the drop on him. Luckily for Volen, he could... control....his.... [color=silver]"Seoul-Hyun, I'm sorry!"[/color] Volen unclipped two grenades and tossed them at the bot, then unloaded his SMG until the explosion made him flinch. The Bot ceased its incessant cry. It retreated back after sustaining damage under its belly. Its arms did well to protect it from further attacks. When the firing stopped, the Bot parted its arms. The target was nowhere to be seen. Volen slowed his breathing, willing his heart to pump silently if possible. He reached down below his waist, the only part of him effected by that damn Bot's crafty attack. What the fuck did Guild City do to bring this upon itself, he wondered. He didn't dare look this time as he hid behind rubble just ten yards away. He waited for what felt like an eternity until the sound of mechnical limbs became more distant. [color=silver]"Yeah, fuck you too."[/color] Volen examined his pelvis, finally feeling relief from the firmness. He breathed a sigh and facepalmed. Choa would be next love now. [h1][color=purple]"PURPLE RAIN, PURPLE RAIN!"[/color][/h1] He pulled out his phone bitterly. Now, just who the fuck--- [color=silver]Oh?[/color] [i]>// I have a job for you. Meet me near the GFS Headquarters. Remember to take the usual precautions.[/i] Normally, [i]anything[/i] from contract-senpai would make Volen's heart melt. But all libido at this point was robbed from that fucking Bot. Though, the thought of Kalas petting him... He felt his cheeks warm, his lips curving into an embarassed smile as he texted back. [i]>// TrapisLife: New in town. Where is that? D:[/i] Wait. Shit. The tiny brunette collapsed to his knees. Gloved fists struck the ground as Volen wept over his own error. [color=silver]"They were expecting me to help with MOPPING UP! Damn it, I suck so hard."[/color]