[@The Muse] [hider=C.S.] [color=9e0039]Name[/color] Calvin, Lewis [color=9e0039]Birthday[/color] 12/6/1983 [color=9e0039]Age[/color]: 32 [color=9e0039]Appearance[/color] [hider=Shirtless] [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/3f05/f/2013/284/2/2/there_is_a_light_by_scyao-d6q4t70.jpg[/img] [/hider] Height: 6'4" (193.04 cm) Weight: 226 Other prominent traits: Calvin's body is littered with pale scars of varying sizes and shapes. He also has a milky left eye, which he usually cover with an eyepatch. [color=9e0039]Position[/color] [color=lightsalmon]Iunnow, I was thinking one of his dead service buddies lived in the town, and he came to give the family some things. Currently homeless, alternating between living in motels, his car, and public camping areas.[/color] [color=9e0039]School[/color] No, joined the military at 18. [color=9e0039]Occupation[/color] Unemployed/Migrant worker/Temporary Hire/Busker/Scuba instructor [color=9e0039]Personality[/color] Calvin is a quiet, taciturn and melancholic soul. He often watches from the wings, only acting when prompted, or when completely necessary. The few times he feels at peace is when he is lost in work, or in a song while performing somewhere. He is also prone to use Navy and Marine slang in his speech, and is also prone to cursing casually. [color=9e0039]Short Bio[/color] Calvin was born on December 6, 1984, to a family with a tradition of Navy service. The middle child of the family, he lived beneath the shadow of his older brother. Growing up, Calvin became deeply interested with service, but when high school came he didn't join JROTC, much to the dismay of his parents. They were further estranged when he joined the Navy out of high school as a hospital corpsman. During basic training, he applied to the Special Operations Corpsman Program (SOCP), serving time in the Fleet Marine Force and as a Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsmen (SARC). He served with Marine Force Reconnaissance, MARSOC, and other special forces as a combat medic and assisted in both diving and surface operations before being critically injured during a mission early in 2015. A piece of shrapnel nearly removed his left eye, instead blinding him and making Calvin unfit for service. That mission also saw the deaths of two of Calvin's squadmates, which lead him to the town of Millington. Discharged only a few months ago, Calvin packed his bags and savings, and drove to Millington to find the family of one of his comrades. [/hider]