[@Dblade26] I'm still working on Talia's CS at the moment but my basic premise in regards to Damian is that Talia handed him over to Bruce both for his protection (from those who would attempt to manipulate him more than harm him) and so that his upbringing could be better than hers (i.e. getting him [i]away[/i] from the League). She isn't a complete ghost in his life though, always keeping tabs on him and intervening when necessary if his life is at stake. Damian would also know how to contact her if necessary and that he is always always welcome. Due to her own lack of nurturing and affection as a child she is not the most doting mother, but she also knows Damian is highly capable and does love him. She's fiercely protective of him, to the point that he is probably her greatest weakness. Depending on which direction you were wanting to go with Damian we can flesh out details of his childhood with Talia/the League a little more.