[centre][img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/e4a6/f/2016/083/1/2/ardos_by_fenixking13-d9w8yq4.png[/img][/centre] [centre][color=6ecff6][b]Artos Bane[/b][/color][/centre] Artos nodded at the general murmuring of everyone as they took one last chance to prepare themselves. No such requirements were needed by the swordsman and so found himself waiting by the door awaiting his first journey. His aura of absolute zero was intensified when the thought of outside crossed his mind. If it had been that awfully warm in this home then what hellish landscape awaited him outside. Artos grasped both blades and took a deep breath, reeling in his area of freezing influence to within an inch of his body and waited, focusing on his breathing exercises until the others were ready. With a bit of luck his blades would see use this day.