[center] [b][h2] [Color=Goldenrod]A[/color]varius [Color=Goldenrod]E[/color]lthandeir [/h2][/b] [i] Avey storm rider, [/i][/center] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/6c/83/e1/6c83e1109f4ac35396f12b4ba0a79380.jpg [/img] [B]Age:[/b] 19 [B]Gender:[/b] M [B]Appearance:[/b] [list][*][i]Height:[/i] 6'2" [*][i]Weight:[/i] 92kg [*][i]Eye colour:[/i] (Heterochromia) Green with blue invading around the left pupil. [*][i]Hair:[/i] long dark brown [*][i]Physique;[/i] athletic [*][i]Clothes:[/i] Simple natural clothing. [*][i]Tattoos & body mods:[/I] [/list] [b]Future Specialisation:[/b] Master of skies (flying types) [b]Summon(s):[/b] [indent]Lowest Grade[/indent][list] [*][url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/a4/3c/83/a43c837bf45f576bbf700eef244d79a2.jpg]Iju[/url] (air elemental) [*][/list] [indent]Low Grade[/indent][list] [*] [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] To say Averius was an odd child would be an understatement, to assume he had out grown it would be gravely inaccurate. Just as genius can be found in the misfortunate and mad, the inner workings of Avey's mind was both a mysterious blessing and a curse. He is very kind and gentle but often lost in his own world. [b]Backstory:[/b] Avey grew up on a simple farmland, his busy parents loved him dearly but his aloof attitude proved to be more of a hindrance then help. A few bad seasons saw the crops wilt and flocks die. Life became harsh. They feared for their child's health. Knowing he was different and quite unique they sent him for his summoner testing, hoping and preying he would pass and be given a better life.