The man laughed as the woman followed him through the Defiant. Allowing her to catch up to him as he turned around and when she was close enough he easily dodged the sword with a duck and a follow up swing with a graceful jump backwards. Before she would attack again he laughed more. [color=2e3192]"Really? That's it? Aren't you going to beat me into Pyreflies? You can't even touch me! Pitiful."[/color] He turned, and slipped through a door that lead to the outside of the airship. But never ran too far so she was out of reach. Just enough to keep her close as he zipped around crates and people, that seemed to not even notice him...only Alex barging through the docks. [color=2e3192]Come on Freak! You aren't getting tired are you?"[/color] He laughed even more, it seemed to echo in her mind, how grating it was. He lead her into the streets, narrowly missing her attacks still, with out even raising his arms. They stayed hidden under the cloak, As he ran though chains rattled and jingled with each step. [hr] While this happened, Nai would continue to feel this excruciating pain through out her body. It would seem like forever, and all of a sudden it would come to a stop, only the dull pain of what ever happened slowly ebbed away. When she would awake from this, she would see Alex kneeling next to her. Asking [color=ed1c24]"Are you ok Nai?I'm Sorry... I lost the pyco in the black cloak.[/color] [hr] Gippal and Urick followed up behind Eva as she dragged them up the steps. He had looked down at her hand holding felt so cool and yet comforting in his hand. He wondered why he was having such an issue over what Alex and Nai said. They didn't know him, they didn't know the pain and the horror's he went through these last few years. And yet when he even got them released from prison, they didn't seem to grateful for that. He didn't even recognize Nai anymore... Yet, with Eva, he didn't have to worry about that...She was kind and loving and sweet. She knew what he went through, They had a much closer connection than he and Nai...and they were friends for many years more. He realized he was lost in thought when they caught up to Saina and Maximus. Who were eager at the bit to get going. After Eva said that she should be doing this with them, Saina agreed, yet still wanted to push on ahead for them. As well as Maximus, "Alright Sounds good." Eva had pushed open the door at this time. "You two clear the path, and Urick and I will stay near Eva incase anything breaks through." As they entered, and the battles started for Saina and Maximus, it didn't leave much for them as they followed. But Gippal was ready, with his knifes, and Urick simply followed like a silent moving statue...though his eyes were trained on Saina. Urick couldn't help but watch as she fought her way through the fiends...she looked so elegant, and graceful in her strikes. Unlike Alex who was more brute strength and power. He didn't understand why, but Saina was captivating, so much so he found himself with a slight blush on his cheeks, that Gippal seemed to notice with a raised eyebrow.