"I'm still not able to move on, huh?" Leon murmured to himself, his voice just above a whisper. And, it was partly true. The moment his yellow eyes spotted the visage of Claire floating about in a hail of snow, vivid flashes of Sarah resurfaced in his mind. That cold night of December upon the slopes of Everest, the night where everything he treasured vanished right before his eyes. They ascended the mountain together, and only one descended alive. The awkward yet sincere hug, propelled by memories of a love he wasn't prepared to lose, ended abruptly as Leon realized that this woman was not Sarah. He feared that no one could ever take her place, and that, he would always be hunted by the mistakes he committed months ago. "Sorry about that, I just thought that you might kill us all if you weren't careful, Claire. I almost tripped there. Urgot's acid hit my leg pretty well." With that, Leon backed away before turning at Urgot who had now engaged into a duel with the Muffin Witch. "Well, let's end this party shall we? Oh, and by the way, Claire," Leon looked at Claire once more, a gentle smile on his face. "Let's keep my identity hidden, a little secret between you and I." After tying a piece of cloth around the lower half of his face in order to obstruct others from knowing his identity, Leon dashed forward even if the pain in his leg seared. Whether it was pure adrenaline or pure will, Leon never knew what kept him going even if he was battered and bruised. But, before the duelist could engage each other, he stopped a few paces beside the draconic woman. "Shyvanna," his voice echoed in chorus now, as if three voices are speaking at once. "They don't intend to leave without a few casualties. Let's make sure that the casualties are on their side. We're not really allies, so to speak, but I believe that the enemies of my enemies are my friends." the gravedigger kept his eyes on Urgot. "So, let's work together for the time being." Then, he turned to the Muffin Witch. "Anivia," pointing to Claire. "Will be there to assist us. I'll make a 180 wall in front of Urgot to block off his vision from us. That way, he won't know where you're gonna come from." Then, he began to address Claire. "Anivia, make the ice wall behind Urgot, that way, Thresh can't help him out. Once trapped, make a snowstorm inside the trap. I'd assume that Shyvanna's heat can handle a little snow. So, while Urgot's being battered by the hail, he's also getting pummeled by Shyvanna." "Let's send this bastard of Noxus back to the gutters." Leon grinned before gathering a conclave of emerald energies around him, fading visions of skulls and tendrils tainting the very air beside the gravedigger. The earth cracked beneath the pressure of the disastrous pranas surging in the vicinity, and soon, the same soil rippled apart, eroded by the blasting force of the shovel piercing into the ground. A guttural scream ripped out from the gravedigger as fissures caved out of the ground, forming a barricade in front of the mechanized aberrant. In a heartbeat, Leon ran forward before a hazy white mist gathered upon his shovel. Then, he smashed the shovel below him, creating a blast which propelled him into the air, allowing the gravedigger to hop on the rim of the earthen wall. "Feast." Immediately, another caustic blast hurtled towards Urgot before three ghouls of war, pestilence, and famine ejected out from the mist and clawed out at the isolated foe. A tightening in his chest throbbed within Leon, sending painful jolts of electricity all around his body. He held his chest tighter, praying for the pain to go away. "End it now..." he mumbled before waiting for his allies to move. His eyes darted to Thresh, prepating himself to go after a lantern should the need arise. [@Kiroue][@DFA]