[center][h2][color=fff200]Taylor Sinclair[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/RSj6cYw.gif[/img][/center] Watching the Behemoth crash to earth, Taylor mouthed the words "Timber~" with a comfortable grin on her face. Her humour was short lived though as she heard the cackling of some nay sayer complaining about Scarlet's skeletal appearance, calling Taylor a necromancer of all things! [color=fff200]"Necromancer? What blind fool said that? Are you by any chance an alien? Spirits exist and can look like fucking dragons! Are you seriously that shocked by a skeleton? And so what if I was?! Were you going to kill the Behemoth? Were you going to try and kill that giant? Maybe if enough of you got turned to paste beneath its feet it would slip and crack its head open on an orphanage or a church! How pleasued you would be then. Dying to kill the monster..."[/color] Scarlet smirking with her skeleton face tossed Taylor her blade back before shaking her head as Taylor's rant continued [color=fff200]"People died to the Behemoth. People die every day. You see a dead begger and think 'Well that was his lot in life' or if an earthquake rocks the city, but when a Dissonance it is somehow different? Can you tell the future? I sure as hell can't. I had no idea a Behemoth would spawn in town. I reacted as soon as I could though. The beast is dead and I'm happy in the fact that I did everything I damn well could. Life is fragile. Death is simple. Celebrate while you can"[/color] with that, Taylor sheathed her blade, did a synchronised bow with Scarlet and left the way they came, heading towards the Arena.