[@Rakurai] I'm beginning to think your last comments aren't so harmless as the ones before, most specifically calling people for not posting and pressuring [@RiverMaiden] to meet your expectations might be having a definitive negative impact on the RP in general. We don't want anyone to feel pressured into anything here. The most we ever do is presenting a scenario and telling people to act and if they don't do, consider their characters frozen, but like I said many times before, telling people how they should act or not is beyond even our authority as GMs and someone who isn't one really should look before doing something that might impair others' fun. Plus, I advise you to take care when doing jokes about one of us, however, I can't speak on [@TheWindel]'s place, so I'll let they say it in case they have any complaints. [@Pikmin Eye] Adversity generally breeds much better opportunities for character development than a world made of saccharine. Even if someone might think that we are being needlessly cruel or rushing things out, this is really the best method of story telling that we know of, nobody is hampering your actions or interactions, thereby you can develop in whatever way you think is best. For this RP specifically we thought that it was best to cut the massive amounts of slow paced slice of life on the build-up intro arc and jump straight to where the action begins, since people sign in for a story where they expect to use their characters in a way (in this case, super-powered magic combat with cool pets), I don't feel like it's a good thing to strangle them to another genre, just to build a story that might even be irrelevant later. In sum, we are doing our best to keep the story fun for everyone, so we appreciate this kind of feedback very much, since it allows us to see that we are going the right direction. Of course complaints/criticism are welcome as well, so that we can do our best adjust the RP to everyone's expectations. You and [@Eklispe] have our thanks for your opinions up to now.